Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Failure of Shareholder Value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Failure of Shareholder Value - Essay Example The present research has identified that despite its perceived role in stimulating business growth, shareholder value remains contentious in out-of-business quarters. Whereas the corporate executives’ penchant for maximizing the share price lacks any historical or legal basis, the refusal of shareholder value in a business organization may as well spell the end of the company’s operations. Regardless of the reasoning, Cole, Sturgess, and Brown have argued that there is no empirical evidence linking corporate focus on shareholder value to an improvement of the status of the economy and or the society. Shareholder value is said to have begun in the second half of the 20th century as an imperative control for managerial  excesses, but over the history, it has turned into a skewed, self-interested doctrine preferred by economists, finance managers, and over-paid corporate managers. According to Roth the supremacy of shareholder value has not yet been codified in law as th e most important priority of the corporate world. In most markets, business organizations can be established for any legitimate purpose. In fact, there is no corporate charter that supports the need to maximize profits or share value. Equally missing in law is the need for executives and company directors to be indebted to shareholders under special conditions. The executives owe a fiduciary responsibility to the business organization, which is an amalgamation of different stakeholders. The only exception is that shareholders are legally entitled to the corporation’s residual value upon the organization’s fulfillment of its other duties. Notably, company directors still have sweeping powers over the residual value, provided they are not channeling the money to their own pockets.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Intercultural communication issue Essay Example for Free

Intercultural communication issue Essay Intercultural Communication Issue: Electronic Mail Meanings reside in people, not in words (Littlejohn, 2001, 39). This basic precept of language can be deemed a positive axiom for successful communication. Whenever possible, both parties should seek a common code and/or attempt to understand cultural differences in coding systems. Admittedly, it is difficult to arrive at a common code if a person and his communication partner speak different languages. The English language contains countless subcodes. Even nonverbal cues shift from culture to culture. Much like in the case of this electronic message sent by a hypothetical boss to a representative of a department flocked with Hongkong-based Chinese nationals: I wanted to welcome you ASAP to our little family here in the States. Its high time we shook hands in person and not just across the sea. Im pleased as punch about getting to know you all, and I for one will do my level best to sell you on America. The statement above is a blend of American vernacular and idiomatic expression. It appears to be a simple salutatory message that turns embedded in unnecessary verbosity. This communication style takes risks in seeking suitable interpretation on the part of the message recipients. The words or phrases ASAP, across the sea, punch, and sell for Americans are easy to understand and can even cause no outstanding remarks from them. But to use these words in a message meant for relatively new employees with a relatively different linguistic background, startling and even violent reactions might be elicited. In fairness to Hongkongers, they are officially bilingual between Chinese and English. After the transfer of sovereignty from the United Kingdom to the Peoples Republic of China in 1997, both Chinese and English remained the official language of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. English is the major working language in Hong Kong, and is widely used in commercial activities and legal matters (Flores, et al. , 1991, 246). However, this gift of bilingualism may likewise yield confusion, as British idioms are different from Americans’. Moreover, code-switching between Cantonese and English may not help them fathom best the message above. Some purist scholars consider Cantonese speakers who incorporate too much English are even dubbed language-handicapped (Flores, et al. , 1991, 245). And because the message was delivered through a virtual channel, the importance of nonverbal aspect of the communication is overlooked. This could have done the job of exhibiting the context most especially should the weight of the message comes to such portions as punch or sell you. The boss should have noted that communication is defined more by behavior than the communication event itself (Kale and Luke, 1991, 7). Nonverbal behaviors also shift from culture to culture and bilingualism may provide little help if the communicators had not developed code sensitivity toward the culture-specific message systems. With simplicity, neutrality and cordiality in mind, Hence, the message to be conveyed to the migrant employees should more or less look like this: â€Å"Good day! We welcome you once again to Will and Hung Company! May you find your new home over here in the United States as we are as earnest to make this company a place for you to work with satisfaction. † From this takes off a working atmosphere that encourages these new people to feed back in order for them to adjust their behavior to the relatively new environment. The boss must indeed shake their hands in person because it is indeed high time to use nonverbal actions as a way of inspiring them to respond to him in all honesty. He must think for a moment of all the positive attitudes and images he associates with smiling, head nodding, leaning forward, and laughing. ough these behaviors seem very Western, they often produce positive reactions in other cultures. Furthermore, interesting research findings suggest that communication changes encroach on how people relate to one another in organizations. Computer-mediated communications differ from face-to-face and telephone interactions in three important respects: there is a greater sense of anonymity; there is creation of new groups; and there is also susceptibility to computer addiction (Sullivan, 2003). Many executives become less social and less available for face-to-face conversations (Braun, 2002). Adjustment efforts must also manifest on the part of the host culture. Because much of the world speaks English, many of Americans have a tendency to assume we need not learn a foreign language. The very fact that others have made an attempt to learn our language should motivate us to reciprocate. There is more to language than vocabulary, syntax, and dialects. Language is more than a vehicle of communication; it teaches one a culture’s lifestyle, ways of thinking, and different patterns of interacting. References Braun, Patrice. (2002). â€Å"Digital Knowledge Networks: Linking Communities of Practice with Innovation.† Journal of Business Strategies. Flores, B. , Cousin, P. T. Diaz, E. (1991). Transforming Deficit Myths About Learning, Language, And Culture. Language Arts (pp. 245-246). Littlejohn, Stephen W. (2001). â€Å"Theories of Signs and Language. † Theories of Human Communication (p. 39). Wadsworth Publishing. Kale, J. Luke, A. (1991). Doing Things With Words: Early Language Socialization. The Literacy Agenda: Issues for the Nineties (p. 7). Victoria: Eleanor Curtain. Sullivan, Daniel. (2003). â€Å"International Business: An Emerging Vision. † Journal of International Business Studies.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Stress Among College Students Essays -- College Students Education Str

Stress Among College Students Leaving home for the first time and going away for school can be very difficult for some people. In many cases for college freshmen this is their first time being away from their home and parents. Many times they get home sick and want to isolate themselves. They have to get into a new routine of going to school, and change can be very difficult. It is definitely hard to get into the swing of college. They have to navigate through classes in a new format while living away from all the comforts of parents. A college student’s life usually consists of attending classes, long hours of studying, working at a job (sometimes), and having a social life. Some students work at a job or study harder than others, but they are all trying to get degrees so maybe one day they will have meaningful and significant lives. It is a constant struggle for everyone who is trying desperately to make him or herself into a success. And every college student wants to be involved with something in order to further their education, or just have fun. There are lots of new opportunities out there. The struggle consists of demands on time, financial pressures, parental pressure and conflicts, interpersonal conflicts, managing freedom, peer and academic pressure and the transitional period to a new academic environment (Stanford University 4). All of these factors combined can cause emotional disturbances and one of the most common is stress. Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid. These feeling can also lead to you having a stomachache or a headache. When you're stressed you may not feel like sleeping or eating. You also may feel cranky or have trouble paying attention at school and remembering things. Having a little stress can be good sometimes, but when you’re in college that is defiantly something you want to keep under control. Another reason for stress is the financial strain a person can experience when trying to progress in school. Learning to budget money is one of the most realistic lessons of attending college. This is one more way a student may feel vulnerable. Financial pressure is the number one reason why students drop out. A college student may become distracted with work in order to live comfo... ... distress is providing students with a feeling of control over their education, information about what to expect, and feedback regarding what can be done to improve their performance. Students who do not feel helpless will adopt their own coping strategies. Students shouldn’t let their college years distress you. Recognize situations that may cause stress, develop effective ways to manage stress and seek help if you need it. Works Citied Alcohol and other drug abuse. 30 Nov. 2004. American Medical Association. 6 Dec. 2004 . Hudd, Suzanne S. â€Å"Stress at College Effects on Health Habits, Health Status and Self-Esteem.† College Student Journal. June (2000). Vol. 34, Issue 2 Ross, Shannon E. â€Å"Sources of Stress Among College Students.† College Student Journal June (1999). Vol. 33, Issue 2 Stanford University. â€Å"Coping With Stress.† Struthers, C. Ward. â€Å"An Examination of the Relationship Among Academic Stress, Coping, Motivation, and Performance in College.† Research in Higher Education. Oct (2000). Vol. 41 Issue 5, p581.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Two Nation Theory

i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan: The man who spoke first the Muslims as a â€Å"nation† in the modern times was none other than Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. In 1867, he said: â€Å"I am convinced that both these nations will not join whole heartedly in anything. At present there is no open hostility between the two nations. But on accounts of so called educated people it will increase in the future. † Analyzing on the demand of Indian National Congress for introduction of parliamentary elections he said: â€Å"The proposals of congress are exceeding expediently for a country which is inhabited by two different nations. Now suppose if the English leave India who would be the ruler of India? Is it possible under these circumstances that the two nations, the Indians and the Muslims would sit on the same throne? Most certainly not. It is necessary that one of them should surrender the other. To hope that both would remain equal is to desire the impossible. † ii) Allama Iqbal: He was a great philosopher and political thinker. He had studied Islam deeply and had profound likening for the Islamic principles. He compared the western culture with Islam and reached the conclusion that the welfare of mankind laid in the adoption of Islam as a way of life. He awakened the Muslims of the subcontinent and asked them to struggle for a separate homeland. This he did through his poetry. He said: â€Å"I am fully convinced that the Muslims of India will ultimately have to establish a separate homeland as they cannot live with Hindus in United India. † Allama Iqbal openly negated the concept of one nation and emphasize on the separate national identity of Muslims. He was against the separation of religion from politics: â€Å"India is a continent of human beings belonging to different languages and religions. To base a constitution on the conception of homogenous India is to prepare her for civil war. I, therefore demand a separate Muslim state in the best interest of the Muslims of India and Islam. † The Allahabad address: The Allahabad address of Allama Iqbal carries great importance in the freedom struggle of the Muslims of India. In his presidential address he classified the two nation theory and demanded a separate homeland for the Indian Muslims. He said: â€Å"I declare that the protection of the separate identity is in the best interest of Hindus and the Muslims. Since the Muslims of the sub-continent are a separate nation with their distinct culture and religious values and they wanted to have a system of their own liking, they should be allowed to live under such a system in a separate state comprising of north western frontier province Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan. † The spirit which Iqbal infused in the Muslims by his Allahabad address developed into an ideological basis for the Pakistan movement. The famous Pakistan resolution passed on March 23, 1940 at Lahore was in fuel based on Allama Iqbal’s presidential address of Allahabad. iii) Quaid-i-Azam: Quaid-i-Azam gave practical shape to the ideology given and enunciated by Allama Iqbal. He was at last successful in convincing the Hindus and the British of the reality of two nation theory and the Pakistan ideology. Jinnah, after entering into politics advocated Hindu-Muslim unity. He wanted joint effort of Hindus and Muslims. Thus, he came to be known as the â€Å"Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity†. Lakhnow pact became possible for his sincere acts in (1916) but later on he was greatly disappointed by the prejudicial attitude of Hindus and Congress towards Muslims. Now Jinnah believed that Congress will never recognize rights of Muslims. He said in the second round table Conference (1931). â€Å"I want to inform everybody openly that the Hindu-Muslim dispute must be settled before the enforcement of any system or constituent. Until you cannot provide guarantee for the safeguard of the Muslims interests, until you do not win their co-operation, any constituent you enforce shall not last for even 24 hours. Jinnah was a firm advocate of two-nation theory. On March 23, 1940 he said: â€Å"It has been taken mistakenly that the Muslims are a minority. They are not a minority. They are a nation by all definitions. By all canons of international law we are a separate nation from Hindus. † In 1942 he said: â€Å"We are a nation with our distinct culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values, legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendars, history†¦we have our own outlook on life and of life. He further defined the two nation theory, â€Å"The Muslims are a nation by every right to establish their separate homeland. They can adopt any mean to promote and protect their economic, social, political and cultural interests. † In 1942 he said: â€Å"Islam teaches equality, justice and fair play with everyone. We should base our democracy on the principles and concepts of Islam. † He said on 1947 at Islamic College Peshawar: â€Å"We did not want Pakistan to have a piece of land simply but we wanted a laboratory where we could experiment the Islamic principles. † S yed – Iqbal – Jinnah: from unity stance to separatism. Introduction: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah are considered as the key personalities in the history of Muslim nationalism in the sub-continent. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan gave the idea of the two nations, Allama Iqbal dreamed a separate homeland for the Muslims in the basis of this theory and Jinnah made it a reality. But the history is self evidence of the facts that Syed, Iqbal and Jinnah, originally, were not in favor of separatism but the conditions were created in which they were forced to shift from unity stance to separatism. Let us now see why Muslim leaders changed their stance. Sir Syed: Sir Syed — the pioneer of Aligarh Movement, is criticized by some Hindu Historians as anti-Hindu or a narrow communalist in his outlook. This can be repudiated by the fact that, his efforts were decelerated towards the promotion and advancement of all his countrymen, with of course a special reference to the position of Muslims as they were the fallen community. The translation society established at Ghazipur in 1964 which later on developed into Aligarh scientific society, whose object was to translate European literature into Urdu was being managed by Syed Ahmad’s life long friend ‘Raja Kishan Das. Similarly the British Indian Association established in 1866, with the object of keeping in touch with the members of the House of Common was composed of both Hindus and Muslims. He was evidently not addressing his own community when at the inauguration of the British Indian Association he said, â€Å"The Indians (Hindus and Muslims) are loyal to the British. † The year 1867 is particularly significant in the life of Indian Muslims. Syed Ahmed Khan was posted at Banaris when he sent a communication to the viceroy suggesting the establishment of a Vernacular University and a bureau of translation to translate University text books into Urdu. As a counter proposal that the Urdu language written in Persian script should he discontinued in the government courts and therefore should be replaced by Hindi Language written in Devaragri script. It was the first occasion when he felt that it was now impossible for the Hindus and Muslims to progress as a single nation and for anyone to work for both of them. Simultaneously, he met the commission of Banaris and discussed the problems of Muslim education. The British official was surpassed at the change and said: â€Å"Hitherto, you have always been keen at the welfare of Indians in General; this is the first occasion that I have heard about the progress of Muslims alone. † He also said, â€Å"Hindu and Muslims are like the two eyes of a beautiful bride† Allama Iqbal: Allama Iqbal was a poet and philosopher of India. He too was an ardent advocate of Indian Nationalism and Hindu Muslim unity in his early career. He was shifted from this stance in England during his study of western nationalism. The local political situation and Hindu Muslim siftS left its impression over his mind. But the thing which transformed him from a great exponent of Indian nationalism to the advocate of Indian nationalism and pan-Islamic was the modern nationalism which had divided nations into warring groups resulting into two world wars. This was a positive approach. He wanted to solve Hindu-Muslim problems for once and all. In his early career he did his utmost to integrate Indian nations, but the time proved that his spiritualism and ideological change was the exigency of the time. In 1909, when he was invited to Amritsar to attend a meeting of a cosmopolitan organization with the membership opened to the Hindus and the Muslims. Iqbal; politely declined the invitation and in the course of correspondence that ensured, he wrote: â€Å"I have myself been of the view that religious differences should disappear from the country, and even now I act on this principle in my private life. But now, I think the preservation in their separate nation enclitics in desirable for both the Hindus and Muslims. The vision of a common nationhood for India is a beautiful idea, and has a poetic appeal but looking to the present conditions and the unconscious trends of the two communities this idea appears incapable of fulfillment. Jinnah: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who led the battle for the creation of Pakistan, was however quiet a late convert to the creed of Pakistani nationalism. He strived for a long time for a ‘modus ivendi’ between Hindus and Muslims in an undivided India. He was described by Mrs. Sarojai Naido as the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity. Gopal K. Gokhle was a literal leader of Indian national Congress who emphasized Hindu Muslim unity and under his influence Jinnah joined Indian National Congress in hope to bring the two communities into closer accord. From 1906 to 1920, when he left the Congress Jinnah stood for separate electorates not so much to stre ngthen the Muslims separatist tendency, but to bring them upon the economic and cultural level of the rest of the Indians. His efforts in the direction of Hindu-Muslim unity were unquestioned. Even when the relations between Hindus and Muslims were steadily deteriorating despite numerous efforts made between 1921 and 1928 to bring the two nationalities together, Jinnah’s faith in Hindu Muslim unity did not weaken. But the cunningness of the Nehru report and later events slowly and gradually transferred this ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity to an extreme concept of Muslims separatism in India.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

(P2) in a Business Report: Task 2: Describe the Different Stakeholders Who Influence the Purpose of Two Business Organisations You Have Selected. Essay

In a business report: Task 2: Describe the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two business organisations you have selected. NHS Stakeholder: Stakeholder is a person, group or organisation that has interest or concern in an organisation. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organisation’s actions, objectives and policies. Some examples of key stakeholders are creditors, directors, employees, government, owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. The stakeholders of NHS are: ïÆ'ËœManager – The manager influence NHS, because the manager is the one who makes decisions everyday which includes what medicine or service should be offered should be offered and the manager also decides who he/she should take into service or fire. ïÆ'ËœDoctor’s have influence on the patients as they have to help people by treating patient’s illness, providing advice and support, and seeing the effects of both ill health and good health from the patient’s point of view. They have to examine the symptoms presented by a patient, and consider a range of possible diagnoses. If they are unable to do this it will affect the patients and the company as the patients will lose their trust in the doctors, and as a result it will affect the company’s reputation. ïÆ'ËœPatient/Client have an influence on the company, because without the patients/clients NHS won’t have any service to offer. This means that if there are no patients then the Government will decide that the company should shut down. ïÆ'ËœAdmin and Clerical staff have a great influence on NHS, as they are responsible for paper work e.g. keeping patients records and send e-mails and letters to patients regarding their health. ASDA’s Stakeholder: The stakeholders of ASDA are: ïÆ'ËœEmployees influence ASDA because employees are the people who are responsible to carry out variety of business activities, e.g. they are involved in decision making of the business, controlling the Health and Safety regulations and planning the merchandise. ïÆ'ËœCustomers want low-priced, good products. Modern customers also have high expectations of organisations. They will want them to get involved in the local community. They will then want to know about them. ASDA stores and depots have community notice boards and a monthly magazine is produced which features community events. ïÆ'ËœSuppliers at a national level are the very large providers to ASDA. They will want to sell goods in volume at good prices. This gives them economies of scale. ASDA has worked hard at building up links with local suppliers. It works with small and medium-sized businesses that are able to provide products for groups of stores at terms that suit them. ïÆ'ËœColleagues like to serve the community. The retail industry is not highly paid – customers demand low prices and operations require a large number of colleagues. So working with the community helps to motivate colleagues. All the events that ASDA holds are shared in an in-house monthly newsletter.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dont Take TEVA 3109 Before Reading This

Don't Take TEVA 3109 Before Reading This SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What is TEVA 3109? If you have a TEVA 3109 pill and want to know more about it, this guide is for you! We’ll go over all the information you need to know about TEVA 3109 pills including what they are, what they’re used to treat, how you should take them, what the risks of taking them are, and more. 6 Facts to Know About TEVA Pill 3109 There are six key facts you should know before taking a TEVA 3109 pill. We’ve listed them below, along with additional information, so you have all the info you need to take your TEVA 3109 pills safely and effectively. #1: A TEVA 3109 Pill Contains Amoxicillin TEVA 3109 is the imprint on certain capsules of amoxicillin, a common drug for treating bacterial infections. The label â€Å"TEVA 3109† on the capsule doesn’t make these pills a certain kind of amoxicillin; it just indicates who produced them. A TEVA 3109 pill is the same as any other amoxicillin pill. Common brand names of amoxicillin include Amoxicot, Amoxil, DisperMox, Moxatag, Moxilin, and Trimox. However, these aren’t all the different names for amoxicillin, just the most common. The patent for amoxicillin has expired, so there are now literally hundreds of different brand names for it around the world. Regardless of the name, they are all the exact same drug. Amoxicillin is a member of the penicillin family that also includes ampicillin and nafcillin. Each of the drugs in this family contains antibiotics come from the fungus Penicillium. Penicillin and amoxicillin are very similar, but penicillin is synthetically produced, while amoxicillin is semi-synthetic. Amoxicillin is also generally considered better at treating infections than penicillin is. #2: TEVA 3109 Pills Are Used to Treat Strep Throat, Pneumonia, and Many Other Bacterial Infections TEVA 3109 is used to treat bacterial infections by stopping the growth of bacteria. Amoxicillin first began being used in 1972, and it’s now one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in the world. TEVA 3109 pills can treat a wide range of bacterial infections, including ear infections, pneumonia, bladder infections, gonorrhea, bronchitis, tonsillitis, strep throat, skin infections, urinary tract infections, salmonella infection, and blood poisoning. TEVA 3109 pills can also be with the antibiotic clarithromycin to treat to treat stomach/intestinal ulcers and to prevent those ulcers from recurring. #3: TEVA 3109 Pills Are Beige-Colored Capsules A TEVA 3109 pill will be a beige capsule with â€Å"TEVA 3109† printed on it in black letters. Amoxicillin pills can come in different doses, but TEVA 3109 will always be 500 mg per pill. These pills are produced by Teva Pharmaceuticals USA. #4: You’ll Likely Take a TEVA Pill 3109 Several Times a Day Your doctor will explain how you should take TEVA 3109 pills, and you should always listen to his/her opinion over what you read on the internet. In general though, you’ll take this medication by mouth every 8 or 12 hours. You can take TEVA 3109 pills with or without food, but you should drink a full glass of water when you take them. Swallow the pills whole; don’t chew or crush them. The amount of TEVA 3109 you’re prescribed to take a day will depend on several factors, including what bacterial infection you have, how strong it is, and your weight. Most adults are prescribed 500 mg to 2 g (one to four pills) of TEVA 3109 a day. If you need to take multiple pills a day, you’ll usually take one at a time, several times throughout the day. TEVA 3109 pills are most effective if taken at regular intervals, so many people take them at the same time each day. It’s very important to finish your TEVA 3109 pill prescription even if you feel better before you finish taking all your pills. Stopping your medication midway through, even if you feel fine, can cause you to get an even stronger bacterial infection. TEVA 3109 is not addictive, but you still shouldn’t take more than your doctor tells you to in order to avoid serious side effects. #5: There’s a Risk of Allergic Reaction With TEVA 3109 Pills TEVA 3109 is generally a safe drug to take, but it still has side effects you may experience. Talk to your doctor immediately if you have any serious side effects or side effects or a serious allergic reaction. More Common Side Effects of TEVA 3109 Diarrhea Headache Mild rash Nausea Vomiting Less Common Side Effects of TEVA 3109 Dark urine Fever Hives Oral thrush Sore throat Stomach pain Swollen tongue Yeast infections Yellowing of the skin or eyes Allergic Reactions About 1 in 15 people will have an allergic reaction to TEVA 3109 pills. For most people, the reaction is mild, usually an itchy red rash and/or coughing and sneezing. Mild allergic reactions can be treated with antihistamines. In rare cases, patients may have a serious allergic reaction. Symptoms of this include: Rash with blistered or peeling skin Tightness in the chest or throat Trouble breathing or talking Hoarse voice Swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat If you experience any of these symptoms while taking TEVA pills 3109, contact your doctor or 9 immediately since the reaction can be life threatening. If you're mildly allergic to amoxicillin, you'll likely get a rash like this on certain parts of your body. #6: A TEVA 3109 Pill May Interact With Methotrexates, Blood Thinners, and Birth Control For a prescription pill, TEVA 3109 is generally safe to take. However, there are five main drug interactions you should be aware of. Methotrexate It’s not recommended to take methotrexate with a TEVA 3109 pill. Methotrexate is an immunosuppressive drug used to treat certain types of cancer, as well as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Taking it with a TEVA pill 3109 can cause nausea, bleeding problems, infection, and other issues. If you’re currently taking methotrexate, your doctor will either recommend a different drug other than TEVA 3109 or work with you to come up with a plan to reduce the chance of serious side effects from the drug interaction. Vaccines You also shouldn’t take TEVA 3109 if you have recently (within two weeks) gotten or will soon get any vaccines, especially vaccines that contain live bacteria. TEVA 3109 can reduce the effectiveness of the vaccines so they may not actually stop the disease they’re designed to prevent you from getting. Birth Control TEVA 3109 can also make certain types of birth control, including the pill, patch, and ring forms, less effective. It does this by affecting re-absorption of estrogen. Use a backup method of birth control, such as condoms, while you are taking TEVA 3109 pills. Blood Thinners Anticoagulants, or drugs meant to thin the blood can also have an interaction with TEVA 3109 pills that causes increased blood thinning to the point where the patient can have severe bleeding. If you’re taking blood thinners and TEVA 3109 pills, your doctor should carefully monitor you for any signs of abnormal bleeding. Uric Acid Reducers Uric acid reducers, such as probenecid, which is often used to treat gout, can have an interaction with TEVA 3109. Probenecid can reduce the excretion of amoxicillin in the kidney which increases the chances of drug toxicity. Conclusion: What Is TEVA 3109? A TEVA 3109 pill is a type of amoxicillin and is commonly used to treat bacterial infections such as pneumonia, gonorrhea, and strep throat. The pill will be a beige-colored capsule with â€Å"TEVA 3109† printed on it. Like any other pill, TEVA 3109 dosages will depend on what your doctor prescribes, but you’ll usually take 1-4 pills evenly spaced throughout the day. Keep taking your pills until they’re all gone because stopping your prescription early could cause you to get a more serious bacterial infection. TEVA 3109 side effects include a rash, nausea, and headache, and some people who take this medication may develop an allergic reaction, although the reaction is usually mild. TEVA 3109 pills are generally safe to take, but you should speak to your doctor before taking them with blood thinners, antigout drugs, and methotrexate. TEVA 3109 pills can also reduce the efficacy of vaccines and birth control pills if you take them at the same time as the TEVA 3109 pills.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Use Geographic Information Systems in School

How to Use Geographic Information Systems in School Maps are effective teaching tools for geography, but when maps are combined with technology, they can become visually powerful through a geographic information system (GIS). The combination of maps and data can produce digital maps that engage students in the science of where things are. The interactive features in digital maps can help students, for example, learn how things have changed over time or to research solutions to real-world problems at any grade level. Key Takeaways: GIS in the Classroom Geographic Information Systems can produce digital maps that engage students in the science of where things are.GIS are able to manipulate and analyze data as a 3-D map of an environment.There are different GIS that educators can integrate into lessons in any content area. Systems like Google Earth and ESRI provide training, resources, and support to educators. What Is a GIS? The acronyms for tools of location can be confusing. The science of location is a geographic information science also called GIS. Location science has always been a part of geography. In contrast, a GIS (system) manipulates and analyzes data to present it spatially, as a 3-D map of an environment. This data can be collected from multiple sources. These sources can include global positioning satellites (GPS) as part of the global positioning system (GPS). These satellites relay real-time information using radio signals from space to pinpoint an exact location. In summary, the data from GPS devices is collected by GIS (systems), which is then used by GIS (scientists). Google Earth for the Classroom The most obvious example of the use of GIS in classrooms today is the use of Google Earth, an open source program that can easily be downloaded and installed for immediate use. Google Earth offers location searches and 3-D orbits around those locations. There are tutorials for educators and also topics for educators which include the writing of story maps using geographic context on the web with locations, photos, and videos. Educators can use already prepared explorer adventures with detailed information about different places to share with students. Examples of topics available using Google Voyager include: Black History Month lessons featuring locations where Black Culture has changed the trajectory of American history.Myths and Legends from Around the World lessons featuring the locations of myths from China, India, Italy, the United States, Australia, Greece, Egypt, and Scandinavia.How the Wind Becomes Electricity lessons featuring the location of an off-shore wind farm in the North Sea and the Arctic. Google Earth also offers cross-curricular activities called Warm-up Passports. Each activity is connected to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or content area frameworks such as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). There are also opportunities to integrate Google Earth with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) so that educators can offer students virtual field trips. Examples of Google Earth GIS Lessons and Activities The Warms include: Math Grade 5: Double (triple, quadruple) the area of this location. Write the new area in square feet. If the area of this location was divided in half, what would the size of each part be in square feet?Math Grade 7: Research the average annual temperature in this location for last year. Scientists predict that temperatures will increase by 6% globally this year. Write two equivalent expressions to represent this change.Social Studies Grade 6: Research the biggest industry of this location. What does that tell you about how people make a living there?Social Studies Grade 8: What transportation services are available in this location?ELA Grades 6-8: Identify or research one example of how humans have changed the physical environment of this location. Overall, was this change positive or negative? Use specific details to support your answer. Write a poem about the physical characteristics of this location that includes the following elements: rhyme scheme, alliteration, and stanzas. ESRI GIS in the Classroom The  Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) also offers GIS to educators for classroom use. Like Google Earth, there are subject area content resources for grade levels K-12 using a GIS. On the ESRI website, teachers can use GeoInquiriesâ„ ¢, which are available without a login or download. The description for these on the ESRI site reads â€Å"short (15 minutes), standards-based inquiry activities for teaching map-based content found in commonly used textbooks.† There are 15-20 activities per topic, and many of these activities can be modified for hands-on engagement. ESRI also features educator training under the online ESRI Academy. There are course modules that demonstrate strategies for integrating GIS to support instruction and discussion. There is also a Mentors Program to support teachers. Student competitions using ArcGIS story maps are linked on ESRI’s website. Educators and administrators in the United States can request a free ArcGIS for Schools Bundle for instructional use by completing a form on the ESRI website.   Examples of Lessons and Activities Using ESRI Like the plans in Google Earth, ESRI’s detailed lesson plans are centered on a geographic context to help students connect lessons with real places. In ELA, there are lessons for American Literature in which students can explore the geographic context of Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larson, and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.In mathematics, students could site a water tower shared by two towns at the midpoint and determine the costs involved using the Pythagorean theorem.For a world history class, there are lessons organized around story maps for the Cradles of Civilization, the Silk Roads: Then and Now, and Early European exploration.Environmental science students can investigate marine debris, the role of ocean gyres, and how humans impact trash accumulation. Whatever the platform, educators who use GIS in the classroom engage their students in inquiry-driven, problem-solving activities that are aligned to state standards. The application of GIS in the classroom can also prepare students to consider a variety of career pathways that are in demand. GIS for Education Policy GIS helps students think critically about authentic problems by using real-time data, but there are other educational applications. A GIS can support large and small school districts in decision and policy making. For example, a GIS can provide district administrators and community safety experts the information about school buildings and surrounding areas to design and manage safety programs. In other examples, GIS data analysis of the communitys transportation infrastructure can help streamline bus routes. When communities experience population shifts,  a GIS can help districts in making decisions about building new schools or when to close old ones. The GIS can also provide school district administrators with tools to visualize patterns in student needs in attendance, academic achievement, or after-school support. Students Know GIS Students are already familiar with GIS in game applications as a blend of real and virtual environments such as Pokà ©mon Go, the mobile app which was downloaded 500 million times worldwide in its first year (July 2016). Students who play video games would be familiar with the urban environments created by GIS software, such as City Engine. Different GIS software is used for film, simulations,  and virtual reality. Finally, any student who has been in a car with GPS or has used a mobile application with interactive maps applications from Google, Bing, Apple, or Waze has experienced how the data from GPS and analyzed by GIS (systems) can blend their real world with a virtual world. Student familiarity with GIS helps their understanding of how GIS applications operate in their world. They may have enough background knowledge through personal experience that they can help their teachers become more comfortable in learning about GIS!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Winterize Your Dormant Trees

How to Winterize Your Dormant Trees Trees in fall are in a state of serious change and reorganization. The tree is becoming dormant. A tree heading toward winter will sense the changing temperature and light and obey the dormancy controls built into the leaf. The mechanisms, called senescence, is what tells a tree to close down for coming winter. Tree Activity in Winter Trees may look inactive going into winter but the fact is they continue to regulate their metabolism and only slow down some physiological activities. This decrease in photosynthesis and transpiration begins a trees dormant phase. Trees still continue to slowly grow roots, respire and take in water and nutrients. Winter is a difficult time for a tree. A dormant tree still needs to be protected (winterized) to remain healthy and free from diseases and insects. The bad news is  winter weather encourages destructive pests to snuggle in and wait for spring to revive their destructive lifecycles. Small investments in properly caring for your trees can pay off big come spring. Pruning Prune dead, diseased and overlapping branches in late fall. This will form and strengthen the tree, encourages new strong growth in the spring, minimizes future storm damage and protects against overwintering disease and insects. Remember that dormant pruning has another benefit - it is easier to do during winter dormancy than in spring. Correct structurally weak branches and limbs. Remove all deadwood that is clearly visible. Properly prune branches that can touch the ground when loaded with rain and snow. Foliage and branches that are in contact with soil invite undesirable pests and other problems. Remove damaged and declining twigs, branches, and bark or any new sprouts that have grown at the tree base, or along stems and branches. Mulch and Aerate Young trees are especially vulnerable to fluctuations in temperature and moisture and need mulching protection. Mulch is good insurance that both conditions will be evenly managed during cold and drought. Mulching is a good practice for both dormant and full-growing, vegetative trees. Spread a thin layer of composted organic mulch to cover the soil several inches deep. Cover an area at least as large as the branch spread. In addition to protecting feeder roots, mulch also recycles nutrients directly to these roots. Aerate soils and compacted mulch if they are waterlogged or poorly drained. Saturated and dense soil can suffocate roots. It is critical not to damage tree roots in the soil as you do this, so work only on those few inches at the surface crust. so work only on those few inches at the surface crust. Fertilize and Water Fertilize by top dressing over the mulch with a balanced fertilizer if the essential elements are in short supply within the soil. Be sure to use nitrogen lightly, especially under large, mature trees and around newly planted trees. You do not want a vegetative flush of growth during late fall periods of warming. Large applications of nitrogen cause this growth. Dry spells in winter or hot daytime temperatures will desiccate a tree very quickly. Watering may be needed where soils are cool but not frozen, and there has been little precipitation. Winter droughts need treatment with water the same as summer droughts, except it is much easier to over-water in winter. Dormant Spray A dormant spray may be a good idea for deciduous trees, ornamentals, fruit trees, and shrubs. But remember not to spray until after you prune. Obviously, you will lose much of your effort and expense if you cut off treated limbs. Choice of chemicals is important. Dormant sprays include lime, copper and sulfur combinations to kill overwintering microorganisms. Dormant oil controls insects and their eggs. You just may need several types of sprays and oils to be effective. Avoid spraying any of this material in the hot sun as it can damage dormant buds. Get specific chemical recommendations from your local county extension agent.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Final year project computing with business Dissertation

Final year project computing with business - Dissertation Example 40 Appendix C 40 Abstract A search through literature from various secondary sources shows that there is not much focus on the salon business when it comes to electronic commerce. Even though there are isolated sources that talk about different and independent components of the subject of e-commerce and the salon businesses, there cannot be found much specific literature that relates e-commerce directly to the salon business. There could be a number of reasons accounting for such gaps in literature. E-commerce has actually been appreciated as a platform that makes the conduct of businesses very rapid and forthcoming. This is because it generally ensures that the small working place of a particular business venture gains a global status by having its presence registered in every corner of the world where internet services can be accessed. The study was conducted to bring out the problem with the numerous cases of congestion at salons and the frequent disappointments that customers enc ountered. The study was conducted with the notion that if the identified problem was adequately dealt with, salon operators and customers could adequately plan their times to ensure that customers are placed at the best times they could receive service. Once this is done on the wings of e-commerce, there can be the assurance that there will be improved satisfaction of work. This can also increase profitability for salon owners. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The impact of technology on human life is certainly overwhelming, specifically when mention is made of computers and for that matter the internet. Today, the internet has become a one stop centre where almost everything a person needs in a day to make his life complete can be found (Winner, 2008). But even as the popularity and usefulness of the internet advances, businesses and business operators in various industry sectors have taken advantage of the situation to advance their trade and make their revenues grow. One of the most crucial and important ways in which businesses make use of the internet is through electronic commerce, commonly referred to as e-commerce. Through e-commerce, a lot of activities take place on the internet, including advertisement of products and services, window shopping, search for products and services, sale and purchase of products and services, the booking of appointment services, and the payment of products and services (Virilio, 2008). It would however be noted that most e-commerce that take place among various companies and business ventures; no matter how large or small they are, take place via the use of specific websites. Such websites

Joan Alexandra Molinsky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Joan Alexandra Molinsky - Essay Example In 1987, however, Rivers life began to spiral downward when her husband, Edgar Rosenberg, committed suicide. This event, combined with a declining career, was the onset of a deep depression for Rivers, as well as the beginnings of bulimia. Rivers states how a devastating loss affects hunger in two ways - erasing it or launch it to new heights. "For me the suicide inspired a gastronomic space program." she claims (Rivers, 1997, p.98). She describes the beginnings of a binge - overeating rich foods until she felt bloated and her clothes became too small - at which point she reached the solution of self-induced vomiting. Occasional purges soon evolved into weekly then twice a day rituals. Rivers timed her purges to happen roughly a half hour after a meal; she realized she must admit the problem to her therapist when she pulled over to vomit in a rest area bathroom. When she finally admitted her bulimia to her therapist Dr. Michael Greenstein, his observation reflects the general state of her life: out of control. Because of this, one of the few things she has been able to control is her bodily intake and output, which has manifested itself in the form of bulimia. Eating disorders are actually psychological disorders and can frequently be triggered by traumatizing events. The proper name of bulimia is Bulimia Nervosa (BN), which translates as "ox hunger", and refers specifically to a binge and purge cycle happening at least twice a week for at least six months. Purging methods include self-induced vomiting, or the abuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas. Bulimics may also resort to fasting or exhibit obsessive compulsions to exercise. Sufferers often share similar personality traits: they tend towards perfectionism, while retaining a sense of low self-esteem despite their accomplishments. Depression is a frequent contributor to the disorder's development as well. Unfortunately, since the psychology of bulimia is often related to larger emotional issues, both the condition and the original problems complement and augment each other, resulting in a worsening of all symptoms (Eating Disorders, 2005). There are several Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment (CB) methods for BN: such as various behavior, psychodynamic, family, or experiential therapies, or a Twelve-Step program using the disorder as an addiction. CBT is a process by which the patient comes to recognizes the true psychological issues, learn more constructive coping mechanisms in relation to these, and then modify their behavior to return to more acceptable eating patterns while preventing relapses. Anti-depressants frequently help, as they curb the appetite while inhibiting the root depression; different anti-depressants seem to work equally well (Wilson and Pike, 2001). With Dr. Greenstein, Joan Rivers learned to identify her grief of her husband's suicide and was able to return to host a daytime talk show through the years 1989-1993 (Wikkipedia, 2006), the ending of which coincided with the death of her therapist and her returning to live in New York. Her depression was growing worse. The combination of her husband's los s, her talk show ending, a brief Broadway show collapsing and the failure of her jewelry venture

Friday, October 18, 2019

All fascists are Nazis. Discuss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

All fascists are Nazis. Discuss - Essay Example The fascists are in favour of acquiring land and resources for a national cause. The acquisition of land and other resources such as labour, capital, etc are the rights of the fascists to establish their dominance over other parts of the world. The fascists believe that the weaker territories and nations could be rightly displaced and captured for expanding the territories of their nation. The fascists demand the supremacy of the state as the highest consideration in their rule. Various fascist leaders such as Mussolini established their supremacy by following the ideology of supremacy of the state (Goldberg 2009, p. 68). The fascist leaders claimed undisputed control by following the principles in which allegiance to the state is the bottom line. The fascist approach brings an end to the class conflicts within the nation and integrates the masses with obedience to the state power. The fascists are proponents of mixed economy in which the private business classes are also allowed to direct the economic progress. The fascists believe in a self-sufficient economy with the factors of production being sufficient to meet the demands of the economy. Such an economy is called a closed economy. The fascists tend to promote a closed economy and building an economy that offers protection to the domestic industries. The protection of domestic industries shields them from foreign competition and reduces the scope of drainage of national wealth. Due to national factors of production meeting the demands of the economy, the circular flow of money is restricted within the boundaries of the country that leads to an integral growth of the national economy. The fascist policies lie in between the approaches of socialism and capitalism. Although fascism allows private capitalists to participate in the process of economic growth, the ideology of a fascist includes belligerent forms of nationalism with not much belief in the foreign factors of production. The fascists believe in mil itarism with the style of living being maintained on the military lines and discipline (Felice and  Ledeen 1976, p. 57). In the left-right spectrum, the position of the fascist lies in the extreme right position. The fascists are opponents of the views of socialism and communism. Nazism is a form of fascism that incorporates the beliefs and ideas of biological racism and anti-Semitism. The Nazis believe in the ideas of racial superiority and consider themselves as the most superior race in the world. The ideology of anti-Semitism held by the Nazis resembles hatred and opposition towards the Jews and the Jewish religion. The Nazism developed in Germany and spread to other places where movements were held by the Nazis before the Second World War. The Nazi ideology is an integral part of the national movements that were held in Germany in the era of post-World War I. In order to fight the dominance of communism and spread the territory of the national boundaries, the Germans who are the proponents of Nazism focussed on establishing a paramilitary force under the reign of Adolf Hitler. The Nazis believed that they are, by far, the most superior race in the world and had the policies of expanding their national boundaries by the acquisition of other weaker states (Grand 2004, p. 49). The growth of industries

Discuss the extent to which a high level of Emotional Intellegence can Essay

Discuss the extent to which a high level of Emotional Intellegence can make a possitive contribution to workplace performance. Use examples to illustrate your a - Essay Example Slowly, theories have emerged as to how people can build-up their emotional strength, and as to what kind of emotional quotient is required for selection by an organisation. Now it forms the basis of all recruitment processes in most good organisations. Consequently, the definition has been expanded to include emotional identification, perception and expression, facilitation of thought, understanding and management as branches of mental ability (Steve Hein, 2005). Better Emotional Intelligence quotient can help attain better efficiency through maintaining better working environment thereby increase productivity of an individual and the organisations. Scientific evaluation of individuals' Emotional Intelligence during recruitment is in vogue for almost a decade now. A leader with better EI has been consistently a better motivator and performer than his peers during his career. Broadly speaking, these abilities include ability to understand emotional feelings expressed by individuals, direct them for better handling and cognitive processes, understand and respect the complexities of emotions in life and work situations and thereafter manage them for achieving the eventual goal in life or the organisation. All of us have come across parents, friends, teachers, bosses and even children showing emotional outbursts at the drop of a hat making them unpopular among the peers and families There is a separate branch of psychology called Transaction Analysis dealing with why these happen, how to understand them, control them and use these emotions constructively for benefit of the individuals. On the whole, people with low EI not only spoil the working environment around them and bring disharmony in relationships, both personal and professional, they also have a negative effect on the very performance of the individual and thereby low motivation and morale leading to reduced profitability to the organisations. Leaders have a very important role to play in this regard, and EI workshops for them have become norms in most organisations. The ultimate performance of a business is directly linked to a leader's application of Emotional Intelligence (Gantz Wiley Research 1996). The research has brought out a model as to how good leadership values and stable EI would lead to better performance of employees, which in turn could make the customers happy thereby spread the good word. Finally it will mean better profits for the organisation and improved productivity from an individual. Good Relationship Practices (= Better EI) - Employee Results (Performance due o

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Developing a business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing a business plan - Assignment Example The other way is to increase labor and expertise in handling the needs of our clients better. The product logistics and quality controls will be essential in defining the way these products take place. A vertical retail presence in crucial catalogues and e-commerce avenues will be pursued. Advertisement by creating a buzz about this new brand will be made especially amongst opinion leaders based on a combination of product placement and public relations. To achieve this, the needed abilities are good technological backgrounds. The goal is to have a system that enhances customer experiences through the acknowledgement of feedback from the users. The company is also leveraging on its current technology that ensures it can use its services to benefits its clients and provide a solution to their needs. The capabilities lacking are in mass production, which could hinder the number of outlets served. The current number requires an adjustment (Rumelt, 2011). The products are ladies’ creams for both day and night. They will be produced at our manufacturing plant and sold by representatives across the board in both retail and wholesale shops. The goal is to create a wide supply chain team to ensure the products reach out to the largest audience. The sellers will be getting a commission when dealing directly with the company, while those in retail will get lower prices to ensure they profit from stocking our products. The development processes are unique in that they encompass the utility of the ideals of modern technology combine with appropriate understanding of biological attributes of the human body. The production takes place at a facility that follows the required criterion that assures the client of a quality product. The marketing aspect takes place on both new and traditional media, with the new media taking the highest form. This is because most of the targeted clients use these forms of media for communication and information. Products are

Book Review Assingment - Leading Change by John Kotter Essay

Book Review Assingment - Leading Change by John Kotter - Essay Example He holds that it is primarily for historical reasons that most organizations do not have that kind of leadership. In deviating from management jargon the author has come up with a visionary and understandable version in guiding the business world towards the much required changes in the business world. The book is an excellent business guidebook in which Kotter focuses upon an all inclusive structure, which business executives at all levels can follow to achieve positive results. He has advised people responsible for implementing change that there is no need to panic or become fearful while dealing with urgent organizational issues. Such situations warrant avoidance of complacency and the author emphasizes that change in the 21st century can be affected only if over-managed and under-led cultures are handled with caution. It is important to remember that management deals primarily with the status quo while leadership is responsible to mostly deal with change. There is a strong need f or management to develop skills to create strong leaders. Kotter has also identified the drawbacks of this strategy and has cautioned leaders to avoid people that can destabilize efficient change efforts. The author has commendably argued that instead of individuals, teams should be recognized and the focus should be on life long learning patterns in a constantly changing world. It is not possible to learn everything during any given period because growth is a continuous process that imposes repeated challenges in terms of processes and people. Kotter has discussed the eight main reasons why improvement efforts have proved to be unsatisfactory, primarily because of inappropriate use of resources and people. He has discussed all the errors exhaustively through the use of clear and simple models and asserted that these errors mostly characterize the change process in any organization, which can have severe consequences. Kotter has argued that such errors are not necessarily unavoidabl e, which is why he claims he wrote this book. The fundamental objective is to understand why companies defend against the required changes and to recognize what specifically is the set of processes that can do away with such negative inactions. Most importantly, there is a strong need to understand that the leadership responsible for driving the processes in socially healthy ways has to do much more than just good management. Kotler has discussed the reasons why organizations need to change and improve. The Eight Stage Process for Affecting Change A major lesson from Kotter’s book is that organizations can effectively put the required changes into practice. Kotter holds that the ways of changing the organization are based on the basic fact that major changes will not happen because of several reasons that he sought to overcome with his eight stage process of affecting major changes. Kotter has written about the eight stages that "there are still more mistakes that people make , but these eight are the big ones. In reality, even successful change efforts are messy and full of surprises" (Kotter, 1996, p.89). The author’s first stage relates to establishing a strong sense of urgency that is necessary to get rid of the feeling of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Developing a business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing a business plan - Assignment Example The other way is to increase labor and expertise in handling the needs of our clients better. The product logistics and quality controls will be essential in defining the way these products take place. A vertical retail presence in crucial catalogues and e-commerce avenues will be pursued. Advertisement by creating a buzz about this new brand will be made especially amongst opinion leaders based on a combination of product placement and public relations. To achieve this, the needed abilities are good technological backgrounds. The goal is to have a system that enhances customer experiences through the acknowledgement of feedback from the users. The company is also leveraging on its current technology that ensures it can use its services to benefits its clients and provide a solution to their needs. The capabilities lacking are in mass production, which could hinder the number of outlets served. The current number requires an adjustment (Rumelt, 2011). The products are ladies’ creams for both day and night. They will be produced at our manufacturing plant and sold by representatives across the board in both retail and wholesale shops. The goal is to create a wide supply chain team to ensure the products reach out to the largest audience. The sellers will be getting a commission when dealing directly with the company, while those in retail will get lower prices to ensure they profit from stocking our products. The development processes are unique in that they encompass the utility of the ideals of modern technology combine with appropriate understanding of biological attributes of the human body. The production takes place at a facility that follows the required criterion that assures the client of a quality product. The marketing aspect takes place on both new and traditional media, with the new media taking the highest form. This is because most of the targeted clients use these forms of media for communication and information. Products are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The programme for the harmonisation of Company Law in the European Essay

The programme for the harmonisation of Company Law in the European Union - Essay Example The first Commission Proposal for a Publicity Directive can be traced back to the year 1964, and the beginning of the EC harmonisation in Company Law is marked by the issuance of this First Directive in the year 1968. The first directive aimed at harmonising publicity prerequisites applying to companies, the conditions under which company transactions will be considered valid and the rules relating of the nullity of companies. The Second Directive, issued eight years later, deals with the establishment of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and adjustment of their capital. Also, it had an approach different from the first directive— many of the provisions lay down elaborate procedures rather than simply directing the Member States to make legislations to a certain end. Thus, for this reason, it has been the object of criticism in some circles. However, undeniably, this directive is of immense importance, represents a significant step towards company law harmonization in the European Community. Soon after the Second Directive, the Third and Fourth directives were issued. The Third company law directive presented a new framework for conducting cross-border commercial activities. It had provisions for co-ordination of the procedures applying to internal mergers within Member States. The Fourth directive was concerned with disclosure of financial information and the contents of a company’s annual accounts. It acts complementarily with the First Directive and is supplemented by the Seventh Directive, which deals with group accounts.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Corruption in Judicial Systems Essay Example for Free

Corruption in Judicial Systems Essay Corruption in judicial systems is threatening the protection of human rights, a United Nations independent expert said, urging governments to implement policies to strengthen the rule of law to combat this practice. â€Å"The pervasiveness of corruption in the judiciary and the legal profession, whether one off or endemic, is very worrying because it directly undermines the rule of law and the ability of the judiciary to guarantee the protection of human rights,† the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Gabriela Knaul, told the General Assembly while presenting it with her latest annual report. â€Å"A judiciary that is not independent can easily be corrupted or co-opted by interests other than those of applying the law in a fair and impartial manner,† she said. â€Å"Strengthening the judiciary from within, as well as providing all the safeguards for its independence vis-à  -vis other public officials and private actors, is essential in combating and preventing instances of judicial corruption.† Ms. Knaul noted that corruption in the judiciary has the potential to victimize those that do not have the means to play by the informal rules set by a corrupt system. â€Å"Corruption in the judiciary discourages people from resorting to the formal justice system, thereby diverting dispute settlements towards informal systems that more than often do not abide by the basic principles of impartiality, fairness, non-discrimination and due process,† she said. Mechanisms of accountability, the Special Rapporteur underlined, should be put in place to investigate acts of corruption and they should be developed with the full participation of the actors concerned. â€Å"I strongly believe that the existing international principles and standards on human rights and corruption provide adequate guidance on how to tackle judicial corruption while respecting the independence of the justice system and human rights,† she said. Ms. Knaul also emphasized that judges, prosecutors and lawyers are in a unique position to tackle the wider phenomenon of corruption in other instances of the public and private sectors, and that â€Å"anti-corruption bodies should be established or developed to effectively assist judicial actors to combat corruption and to implement and strengthen transparency within the public sector.† Independent experts, or special rapporteurs, are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back, in an unpaid capacity, on specific human rights themes.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay -- essays research papers

When considering a work of literature, the title can be just as important as the context of the story. Literary devices such as contrast and repetition help develop the symbolism of Joseph Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness. The use of contrast can be seen within the differences between the black and white people along with the differences between the civilized and uncivilized. The phrase "Heart of Darkness" itself is repetitious to describe certain places, events, and people. Joseph Conrad successfully relates his title to the African continent, the people, how the people were treated, and the soul of Kurtz. The title can relate to the wilderness in the center of Africa where Marlow is headed. In the story, the commander sees England as many men viewed Africa. It is a "sea the colour of lead" and "sky the color of smoke" which conveys the place as dark and gloomy. Furthermore, Englishmen wanted to colonize Africa and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for the journey. Marlow shows that wilderness really isn't a place for men to be. The sheer size of "darkness" makes the people powerless, despite the fact that they feel that they can make improvements in Africa. Through it all, the darkness provides many challenges for the civilizers and as a result, their conditions become worse, causing them to achieve very little. Wilderness is a very significant symbol becau...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Degradation of Wives in the Victorian Period Essay -- Exploratory

The Degradation of Wives in the Victorian Period The degradation of the married woman in the Victorian era existed not only in that she was stripped of all her legal rights but also that no obligations were placed in her realm. Upon marriage, Victorian brides relinquished all rights to property and personal wealth to their husbands. Women were, under the law, â€Å"legally incompetent and irresponsible.† A married woman was entitled to no legal recourse in any matter, unless it was sponsored and endorsed by her husband. Helpless in the eyes of civil authority, the married woman was in the same category with â€Å"criminals, lunatics, and minors† (Vicinus 7). Eighteenth-century, English jurist, William Blackstone curtly described her legal status, â€Å"in law a husband and wife are one person, and the husband is that person† (Jones 402). The Victorian woman was her husband’s chattel. She was completely dependent upon him and subject to him. She had no right to sue for divorce or to the custody of her children should the couple separate. She could not make a will or keep her earnings. Her area of expertise, her sphere, was in the home as mother, homemaker and devoted domestic. Clear and distinct gender boundaries were drawn: Men were â€Å" . . . competitive, assertive, . . . and materialistic.† Women were â€Å"pious, pure, gentle . . . and sacrificing† (Woloch 125). No greater degradation took place in the Victorian woman’s life than in the bedroom. The Victorian woman had no right to her own body, as she was not permitted to refuse conjugal duties. She was believed to be asexual: â€Å"The majority of women, happily for them, are not much troubled with sexual feeling of any kind† (Woloch 128). The inference is, if the husband did not demand the f... ... Fiction, and Contract Theory: Trollope’s He Knew He Was Right.† Criticism XXXVI (Summer 1994): 401-14 Hellerstein, Erna Olafson, Hume, Leslie Parker, and Offen, Karen M., eds. Victorian Women; A Documentary Account of Women’s Lives in Nineteenth- Century England, France, and the United States. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1981 Marshall, Gordon, ed. Dictionary of Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. National Center for Victims of Crime. Public Policy Issues: â€Å"Spousal Rape Laws: 20 Years Later.† 27 March 2002 . Perkin, Joan. Victorian Women. New York: New York University Press, 1993 Vicinus, Martha, ed. A Widening Sphere: Changing Roles of Victorian Women. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977 Woloch, Nancy. Women and the American Experience. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inventory system theoretical framework Essay

2.1 Introduction The theoretical framework gives information about concepts, together with their definition which are used in the proposed system. This chapter will be giving the relationship of the existing theories given below to the proposed system. 2.2 Transaction Processing System A transaction processing system, or TPS, is a system to capture and process the detailed information necessary to update data on the fundamental operations of an organization. A transaction is essentially a single event that changes something. There are many different types of transactions. For example, customer orders, receipts, invoices, payments, etc. The actual processing of transactions includes the collection, editing, manipulation and storage of data. The result of processing a transaction is that the records of an organization are updated to reflect the new conditions at the time of the last processed transaction. [] TPS will be the type of structure of the proposed system where it can help the owner and staff to process large amount of item’s data in the company and to process of transactions in the customer. 2.3 Inventory Management Software Inventory management software is a computer-based system for tracking inventory levels, orders, sales and deliveries. It can also be used in the manufacturing industry to create a work order, bill of materials and other production-related documents. Companies use inventory management software to avoid product overstock and outages. It is a tool for organizing inventory data that before was generally stored in hard-copy form or in spreadsheets. It is often associated with and is similar to distribution software, as distributors that can compete with less cash tied up in inventories have a distinct advantage over their competitors.[]  The proposed system is inventory management software for Miguel’s Home Merchandise. This is the software where can be store and monitor item’s data. 2.4 Point of Sale (POS) Point of sale (also called POS or checkout, during computerization later becoming electronic point of sale or EPOS) is the place where a retail transaction is completed. It is the point at which a customer makes a payment to the merchant in exchange for goods or services. At the point of sale the retailer would calculate the amount owed by the customer and provide options for the customer to make payment. The merchant will also normally issue a receipt for the transaction. [] The proposed system will provide a point of sale system for Miguel’s Home Merchandise. It will help the company for faster and organize customer transaction. 2.5 Microsoft Office Access Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the professional and higher editions or sold separately. Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases. Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop application software, and â€Å"power users† can use it to build software applications. Like other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications, an object-oriented programming language that can reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects, and many other ActiveX components. Visual objects used in forms and reports expose their methods and properties in the VBA programming environment, and VBA code modules may declare and call  Windows operating system functions. [] Microsoft Office Access will be the database management system that the proponents will be using to store and monitor all items’ information and also use for saving all reports. 2.6 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic is a programming language and development environment created by Microsoft. It is an extension of the BASIC programming language that combines BASIC functions and commands with visual controls. Visual Basic provides a graphical user interface GUI that allows the developer to drag and drop objects into the program as well as manually write program code. Visual Basic, also referred to as â€Å"VB,† is designed to make software development easy and efficient, while still being powerful enough to create advanced programs. For example, the Visual Basic language is designed to be â€Å"human readable,† which means the source code can be understood without requiring lots of comments. The Visual Basic program also includes features like â€Å"IntelliSense† and â€Å"Code Snippets,† which automatically generate code for visual objects added by the programmer. Another feature, called â€Å"AutoCorrect,† can debug the code while the program is running. Programs created with Visual Basic can be designed to run on Windows, on the Web, within Office applications, or on mobile devices. Visual Studio, the most comprehensive VB development environment, or IDE, can be used to create programs for all these mediums. Visual Studio .NET provides development tools to create programs based on the .NET framework, such as ASP.NET applications, which are often deployed on the Web. Finally, Visual Basic is available as a streamlined application that is used primarily by beginning developers and for educational. [] Visual Basic 6.0 is providing GUI and it is easily to use because of its drag and drop function. It would be use for all the process of the Miguel’s Home Merchandise. According to history VB 1.0 was introduced in 1991. The  drag and drop design for creating the user interface is derived from a prototype form generator develop by Alan Cooper and his company called Tripod. Microsoft contracted with cooper and his associates to develop Tripod into a programmable form system for Windows 3.0, under the code name Ruby (no relation to the Ruby programming language) Tripod did not include a programming language at all. Microsoft decided to combine Ruby with the Basic language to create Visual Basic.  The Ruby interface generator provided the â€Å"visual† part of Visual Basic and this was combined with the â€Å"EB† Embedded BASIC engine designed for Microsoft’s abandoned â€Å"Omega† database system. Ruby also provided the ability to load dynamic link libraries containing additional controls (the called â€Å"gizmoz†), which later became the VBX interface. 2.7 Methodology Software prototyping refers to the activity of creating prototypes of software applications, incomplete versions of the software program being developed. It is an activity that can occur in software development and is comparable to prototyping as known from other fields, such as mechanical engineering or manufacturing. Figure 1 Prototyping Model Proponents choose this type of methodology because this type of method can improve the quality and efficiency of the proposed system by testing the code and module in integration testing repeatedly to find the errors in the system before to go to the acceptance and installation, deployment and go to maintenance. This method requires the involvement of the user and they can tell and interact or to give feedback to the development team and know what to change in the system. The development team and the user feedback can provide more changes and improvements in the system. 2.8 Summary In summary, inventory management software and point of sale would be the goal of the proposed system. It would include the all process of company  wherein the proponents will be making an Inventory System with POS for Miguel’s Home Merchandise. The proponents will be making use of the following software to come up with the system: Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access for the database.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Educational philosophy Essay

I believe that education is an individual, unique experience for every student who enters a classroom. In order for children to benefit from what schools offer, I think that teachers must fully understand the importance of their job. First, I believe that teachers must consider teaching to be a lifestyle, not a mere forty-hour-a-week job, because a teacher’s goals for his/her students encompass much more than relaying out-of-context facts to passive students. As professionals entrusted with the education of young minds, teachers must facilitate learning and growth academically, personally, and ethically. By providing a quality education to each individual in one’s classroom, a teacher equips children with the tools necessary for success in life. In order to accomplish these lofty goals, I think it is important first to establish a mutually respectful, honest rapport with students — a relationship in which communication is of the highest priority. Through this relationship, a fair, democratic environment based on trust and caring can be established in the classroom, making it possible to interact confidently and safely in an academic setting. Once this foundation is established, the educator has already accomplished a major goal: the ethical characteristics of equality; open, honest communication; and trust have been emphasized and put into practice without having to preach to students. Demonstrating these ethically correct behaviors in the classroom and expecting students to model them prepares them for adult interaction and survival in the future. Academic learning must begin with motivation and inspiration. Students deserve an educator’s passion for both the subject at hand and learning as a whole. Teaching and learning become a simultaneous journey for both the teacher and students when students’ energy is aroused by a teacher’s genuine intensity for learning, because everyone is ready and willing to participate in active learning. To achieve active learning, a teacher must demonstrate enthusiasm and express confidence in the students’ abilities to learn and be successful. Employing constructivist methods of teaching in one’s classroom forces students to take an active role in their education by making choices and assuming responsibility for intelligent inquiry and discovery. For instance, discussions, projects, and experiments ensure student achievement and allow students and the teacher to discover individual student’s preferences and strengths. This approach facilitates differentiated activities for each student’s distinctive ambitions, making the subject more relevant to every student’s life. Personal growth is accomplished when a teacher adopts a mentoring role. Displaying warmth and compassion shows students that teachers love them and are empathic, feeling human beings. One-on-one mentoring involves personal conversations about goals, and taking time to share ideas and experiences. To be a mentor to every student, a teacher must project positivity, exhibit flexibility and confidence, set high expectations for oneself, and demonstrate fairness and consistency. In doing so, students can see appropriate adult behaviors first-hand and begin to emulate them as they mature. I believe that all children have the ability to learn and the right to a quality education. All youths, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and capabilities should have the opportunity to learn from professional, well-informed teachers who are sophisticated and knowledgeable, both in their area of expertise and life. Certainly, every child has different learning styles and aptitudes; however, by having a personal relationship with every student, a teacher can give each an equal chance of success. By recognizing every student’s potential and having separate, individual goals for each, a teacher can accommodate personal needs and abilities and encourage the pursuit of academic aspirations. I think that teaching and learning are reciprocal processes. When teachers nurture individual talents in each child, educators can build self-esteem and may encourage a lifelong skill. By supporting these special abilities, teachers can, for example, guide students’ research, and students can, in turn, enlighten teachers about subjects in which they may not be as knowledgeable. This mutual respect for individual skills cultivates a professional academic relationship, leading to a give-and-take educational alliance. This liaison allows students to feel that they are on equal intellectual ground with their teachers, thus creating a strong academic atmosphere. In addition to having a reciprocal relationship with one’s students, it is vitally important for teachers to form partnerships with fellow educators. Solid communication among teachers will promote the sharing of ideas and methods and provide a network of support. By working as an educational team, teachers will continue to develop their craft and give the best education possible to their students. In choosing to become a teacher, I have made the commitment to myself and my future students to be the best academic, personal, and ethical role model I can be. It is my goal to have a mutually enriching teaching career by keeping an open mind and continually communicating with my peers and students. I am prepared to rise to the challenges of teaching in the 21st century, and I promise to try to provide an honest, well-rounded education to every student I encounter.

Dunlap V. Tennessee Valley Authority Essay

What were the legal issues in this case? In the case of Dunlap VS Tennessee Valley Authority, the legal issue that was presented was discrimination, disparate treatment and disparate impact. According to the EEOC, race discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features). Color discrimination involves treating someone unfavorably because of skin color complexion. The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects workers from discrimination, and when it comes to the case, discrimination was seen in many ways. For starters, when it came to the interviewing process, there were 5 white officials and 1 black which showed that the room was not balance. Next, when it came to the scoring, he received lower scores than the whites. The next issue that showed discrimination was when it came to the attendance record of the workers. Two of the workers who were Caucasian, had the same attendance as Dunlap, and they received a better ranking. Also, Dunlap had a perfect safety record and received a score of a 4; while a white applicant who was at the job for eleven, had 2 accidents within those years and received a score of 6. Dunlap was not the only African American to have problems with TVA when it came to discrimination as well. The suit that was brought against TVA was for discrimination under disparate impact and treatment. Disparate impact theory requires the plaintiff to demonstrate that the facility falls harshly on one group than another; disparate treatment requires the plaintiff to demonstrate that an employer has treated some people badly because of the race, age, gender or any other discrimination factor (Walsh, 2010). The district court found many filings along with the fact that Dunlap had been subjected to discrimination under both disparate treatment, concluding that TVA’s subjective hiring processes permitted racial bias against both Dunlap and other black applicants (Walsh, 2010). According to the text subjective criteria is assessing candidates that are not uniform and clearly specified, and when it came to Dunlap and the facts that were presented subjective hiring was conducted. The Appeals Court affirmed the disparate treatment claim, reversed the disparate impact claim, and affirmed the district court’s award of damages and fees to Mr. Dunlap (Walsh, 2010) Explain why the plaintiff’s disparate (adverse) impact claim fail? The reason that disparate impact failed is because when it comes discriminatory actions in this theory, proof is not required. The disparate impact theory requires a plaintiff to demonstrate that an apparently neutral employment practice affects one group more harshly than another and that the practice is not justified by business necessity. A prima face case is established when the plaintiff identifies a specific employment practice to be challenged; and through relevant statistical analysis proves that the challenged practice has an adverse impact on a protected group. When it comes to the case, discrimination was seen, but never affects more than one class. Glass ceiling in the book is referred to artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified individuals from advancing in there organization to upper management. The reason that glass ceiling is seen is because when it comes to the interviewing process, there was only 1 black interviewer. Then when it came to the recruits, even if there work effort was poor and they were white, there scores was higher than the African Americans. But because discrimination is a fact that is null and void in this theory and because discrimination doesn’t matter, that’s why it failed. The only criteria Mr. Dunlap could prove was that the interview process had been manipulated to exclude African-American candidates, and how the scoring was different for blacks and whites. So in the essence in this theory, it was a challenge to prove it because Dunlap only had his interview Explain why the plaintiff’s disparate treatment claim succeed? The reason disparate treatment was successful was because it requires a plaintiff to demonstrate that an employer has treated some people less favorably than others because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The first fact was the manipulating of the score. In this case, Dunlap was able to prove that the matrix process was pretext for discrimination. After the district court did some investigation, they found that some of sheets had been changed more than 70 times, and there was no reason what so ever for the change. Dunlap said the matrix score was manipulated to keep him out of the top ten applicants. Another reason it was a success was because William Parchman, an African-American with thirty years of experience as a boilermaker that was also rejected. He played a vital role in the suit because of the problems he encountered to become employed with TVA. He provided testimony hat he had a history of being rejected for jobs and promotions at the company. He also stated that the only reason got the boilermaker position was after he filed a complaint with the EEOC. Other facts that showed discrimination was evidence before the district court when it came to the weight given to the interview and how it was changed, questions in the interv iew was not evaluated objectively, and the scores were altered to produce a racially biased result. Bottom line is that when it comes to discrimination, it was proven in several ways, and the district court committed no error in finding disparate treatment. The court saw how discrimination was seen from different people, and Dunlap was not the only worker that felt that way. What should the TVA have done differently with regard to interviewing and selecting candidates for these jobs? When it comes to interviewing candidates, what’s should of been done differently is looking at the applicants work history thoroughly. The first thing that should have been looked at first is education. When workers have education, they are better qualified because they will know how to think outside if the box. If an applicant didn’t have the education, then TVP sould look at experience as well as work performance. When looking at experience, factors that should  be viewed are supervisory experience along with performance and safety in the workplace. In the interviewing process, things that could have been different is interviewing with one interviewer at a time. Also the questions could have been different for each interviewer so that everyone was not following the same pattern. All of the scores would be the same, but the questions would be different and give the best candidates for the job. Another thing that could have been different is having a manager present in the room to grab and check the papers when the interview is finish. By a manager being there to verifying the score, there is not chance that manipulating could happen with the scoring. If this type of approach would have been used, the selecting process would have been different because no interviewer or candidate would have the same response. But the scores would show the real qualified applicants, and they would deserve the promotion. Nothing would be bias and scores could not be altered.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Can torture be ethical Discuss in relation to the War on Terror Essay

Can torture be ethical Discuss in relation to the War on Terror - Essay Example There were often many manuals given to convey the torture techniques and the implications. Written codes and conducts were also regulated to redefine the process of torture and differentiate what is acceptable and what is impermissible (Scott, 2003, p27). As the theories enhanced, there is a huge debate on the torture ethics which is going on since years, and especially after 2001 when there was an initiative of the war on terror by collaboration of many countries. Some debate that torture has always been immoral and unjustifiable, whereas many of the modern theorists and socialists suggest that if torturing an evil man because of which many lives can be saved, then there is no better moral decision that could be taken (Wisnewski, Emerick, 2009, p 78). Thus, war on terror is a justifiable process which is carried out throughout the Western world, and if it includes the practices of torturing then torture can be considered ethical too, in a broad scope. There are many ethical argument s that have risen up related to torture and its value to the society. The major argument that supports the ethics or torture is the fact that it is an essential tool. Many of the countries condemn the use of torture and consider it not only unethical but also unlawful. Whereas many countries still use it as their tool and consider it as effective in many circumstances (Harbury, 2005, p95). There are many arguments placed forth and the basic debate lie in the views presented by deontological and utilitarian viewpoints. Both the viewpoints hold justification in their own way. The utilitarian viewpoint suggests that torture can be justified if the overall outcome of the action is positive. This refers to the process of torture which is used as a tool to investigate and weed the evil out of a person or criminal. In this belief, the utilitarian thinker might consider the outcome as the only source of judgment and to decide whether the act of torturing is moral or not. The outcome can def ine the long term effects in which lives may be saved and evil may be finished. This is the primary factor on which torture is used as a tool (Greenberg, 2006, p50). Opposing the utilitarian view is the deontological view which came from the word duty. This viewpoint suggests that the rules and values hold immense importance and they should be fulfilled as the first priority rather than the outcome. Utilitarian thinkers give immense respect to the moral values and ethics over the outcomes of allowing torture or restricting it. However, if the outcome is uncertain or can not be known, then the utilitarian thinker would state that torture is wrong and unjustifiable (Skerker, 2010, p154). There are any arguments seen favoring the utilitarian views against torture and in some parts of the world, the laws support these views as well. The war on terror or war on terrorism is known to describe the campaign set out by the US and includes many other countries such as the UK. The term is comm only used and it applies to the campaign which is initiated against the al-Qaeda and other militant groups which are associated to it. The aim of this campaign was to eliminate the powers and actions of such militant organizations. The September 11 attack on the World Trade Centre gave rise to many militant groups that tend to declare war against America. These groups were the terrorists and in regard to those, the phrase War on Terror was used and made popular by the military organizations of the US. Soon it became

Monday, October 7, 2019

Human Relations Direct Measure Assessment Coursework

Human Relations Direct Measure Assessment - Coursework Example Self-esteem is the affective or emotional aspect of self and generally refers to how we feel about or how we value ourselves (one's self-worth) (Purkey 1988). A. Considering the fact that Pat is extremely punctual, it is obvious that he sees himself as a hard and diligent worker. He also sees himself as a likeable person because he enjoys working in an office environment because of the social opportunities that are available. That being said, Pat also sees himself as a good parent, watching children’s shows (probably to regulate the content his children are exposed to) and attending their soccer games. This is one of the traits which he sees as differentiating him from the rest of his co-workers. B. The above mentioned characteristics are also responsible for Pat’s relatively low self esteem at the workplace. Because his tastes, choices and priorities differ from those of his co-workers, Pat feels incompatible with the rest of the group. Also, due to this incompatibilit y, Pat has a negative attitude towards socializing in the office. Considering that he would like to befriend Chris but is reluctant to initiate a conversation shows that he has very little confidence in being able to forge a bond with anybody. He does not like the fact, but feels helpless to change it. He feels like a complete outcast and is disappointed at his own social ineptitude. C. Self efficacy is simply a person’s conviction or confidence of succeeding in a particular situation. Pat obviously has a low self efficacy, since he does not believe himself capable of intermingling with his co-workers. He avoids challenging tasks, focuses on his negative properties and loses confidence very fast. However, there are some simple strategies that can be used to Bolster his confidence and improve his self esteem. i. One way of building up self efficacy is by helping the person encounter success in tasks that have been elusive to him or her hitherto. Small and frequent conversation s initiated by co-workers would do wonders to his confidence. Also, if he ventured out of his comfort zone without concentrating on the outcome, and portrayed a confident demeanor, he would be successful and regain his lost confidence. ii. Another way of building up confidence it for him to observe other people (possibly like him) succeed at the task. This would make him realize that the task is not impossible and in turn improve his self efficacy. iii. Verbal encouragement by people close to Pat would also help build up the conviction that he is worthy of socializing with his co-workers. This would give him the confidence to befriend Chris, which would in turn build up his self esteem. 2. Case Scenario # 2 – Stress, in the simplest sense, is a reaction by the body to a hostile environment. This can have psychological and physiological manifestation as has been seen in the case mentioned. A. Kyle’s experience on the expressway, coupled with his anxiety over the meeting , likely produced a number of physiological reactions. The headache he has when he arrives at the meeting is one of these reactions by his body. The tension on the commute as well as anxiety about the meeting might also have initiated tremors and shaking or nervous twitching, tapping or fiddling with random objects. It is also very likely that Kyle would be sweating when he arrived at the meeting owing to the stress he is under. B. The stress of the long commute to work as well as his tardiness also probably produced a number of psychological reactions to the stress in Kyle. One such possible reaction would be constant flashbacks of the driver cutting him off and the long wait in the traffic. Another