Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case Study You Are Your Own Worst Enemy Essay

Gen Y are shown to be a substantial security risk to organizations because Gen Y’s download and use non-sanctioned IT Tools while at work or using company technology and often compromising software like instant messaging software and open-source technologies. What’s happening is quite simple, but very dangerous. Having/using them on company technology opens a door for hackers and data thieves to enter unnoticed into your organization’s information assets. But Gen Y are not even aware that they are causing potential compromises. Question and Answer( Legend:Q=Question,A=Answer) Q1. Think of yourself as a business manager. You have employees you supervise and you are responsible for ensuring that they meet daily work quotas. But, you find they are spending a couple of hours per day shopping online, chatting with friends through instant messaging, and so on. How do you motivate your employees to perform their work? How do you restrict them from non-work-related activities without creating a stifling, boring, and dull workplace? A1. As a manager, I am responsible and takes charge of all the activities that involve in my company and it is very necessary for me to have an employee which has a knowledge to perform and listen to their task properly and willing to abide the rules and regulation of my company. Discipline is a must. They should focus to their job assignment and use their time properly especially during working hours. And as a Manager I must know what the different types of Managerial functions . And one of it is directing that refers to motivation, communication and leadership. I am the Manager so I will be the one to motivate my employees by communicating them with the power of leadership. To motivate them to perform their work I will give them incentives or rewards to make them productive. I may increase their wages to encourage them to perform their task well. By restricting them I think will not work because their life are attach to the technology – that most of the time of their work they are in front of the computer that maybe will tempt to open a social networking site or shopping site that is not related to their work. I will not totally restrict them but instead I will allow them to do their non-work-related activities during breaktime. They deserve a little break that will make them calm and not so stressful. I will take a survey from them that deals with knowing what they would suggest in order to have a pleasant workplace that will affect them in a good way. In that, my employees will be encourage to work well. Q2. The case study mentioned the need for employee education. What elements would you include in an education program for helping employees better understand the dangers in which they place the organization’s IT infrastructure by using technology the wrong way while at work? A2. It is better to conduct an orientation the moment that they are employed in the company. This will help them to have a better understanding regarding to their task such as the general rules and regulations and the proper using of the IT infrastructure of the company. Using technology in the wrong way while at work will cause a great damage and failure to do their task in the company. Sometimes it will be lost of the company and their reputation will destroy. And also I can include short cases of organizations that have been compromised because of unsafe software, having a fellow Gen Y person make the presentation, showing safe computing habits.I will alsoinclude the things that can happen in the organization if the employees are continuous in doing things online that are not related in their work, also the harmful effects on it not just on organization but on them also that they will no longer focused on their work responsibilities and they taking their work at risk that they can be fired and out of the company.. Q3.Beyond the compromises caused to IT infrastructure, what do you see wrong with shopping online while at work? Is this illegal or unethical, perhaps both, or neither? A3.Nothing is wrong about the shopping online because it’s your money that you spending with but during your work it is both illegal and at the same time unethical.It is said to be illegal because before working at the company, there is a certain contract that they should sign stated that they should abide the rules and regulations of the company, including: the proper used of their time for their work and do their task without doing unnecessary actions such as chatting with the others. Also, it is unethical because it could be unfair to the others who were doing their task properly while the others are just wasting their time, having their salary doing wrong things. You employed in the organization to work, you are subjected to work with all of your knowledge, skill and focused because your being paid by the company and doing something not related to your work is not good. It’s definitely grounds for dismissal from employment.But then, people may or may not see it as u nethical, because so many people do it. Q4.Read the acceptable use policy (AUP) for your school. Are you doing anything with your school’s technology that violates the AUP? If so, what is it? How prevalent among other students is the violation? Does widespread violation somehow or another make it okay? A4.(Since our school have no AUP, answers are based on computer laboratory ordinance,rules and regulations).Yes, sometimes I play games installed in the computer which is strictly prohibited based on the ordinance issued by th President.It is very common since students have saved games on their flash drives and through this they can install and play games they want anytime but they make sure that they do this in the absence of their teachers.No, because even violation is widespreaded after the next day they will do it again and again. Q5.Why do you think Gen Y is being singled out? Wouldn’t it make sense that people in other age groups also put a company at risk by misusing technology? What is so different and unique about Gen Y? A5.Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Gen Y is the digital generation, and thus uses technology more, especially those types of tools that can compromise security. Yes, other age groups misuse technology but not to the extent of Gen Y. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Millennials grew up with easy access to computers, constant connection to the internet, and smart phones in-hand. They’re accustomed to using technology in every part of their lives and fully believe in its power to make their lives easier. This generation dreams without limits. They’re in search of two things – money and happiness. Q6.Would you consider working for a company that prohibited access to social networking sites, gaming, blogs, and online shopping while at work? Why or why not? How about in the defense industry? In certain places within defense organizations, you’re not allowed to carry cell phones and the like because you can take photos and videos with them. Do you want to work there? Why or why not? A6.Yes. Working in the company that prohibited access to social networking sites, gaming, and online shopping is something gives discipline to the employee regarding doing something not related to their work and also these things must be done not in your workplace but in your own place like in your house and in your own computer. In the company that cell phones and other similar to it that can take pictures and videos are not allowed, why or why not work in this kind if organization? For me it’s alright ,we all know that cell phone is convenience way to communicate to others most of the time in emergency, so not carrying cell phone is hard for me to follow but if the company is great and there’s a lot of benefits or good salary for their employees I will, they just do it for their own safety.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Journal Entry African American Essay

Hello my precious unborn child. I am not really sure where to begin. The doctor is saying that I might not make it through this pregnancy but they will make sure you live to see this crazy world that we live in. I want to make sure that you understand your history and where you come from! What a journey our family has been through. They just don’t make it easy for an African American Family. Here we are and we have struggled just to make it here to the Deep South. We settled here in Ole Miss just like lots of other black folks and you would think that after they freed us from slavery they could just leave us be. I guess I should tell you a little about who we are and what we have been through so you have a clearer understanding. Well it started when we got here. Brought over on ships, our family was slaves to the white folk right here in Mississippi. There have always been stories told. Why, I remember when I was a little girl my grandma telling us the story of Nat Turner. (1998) He went on a rebellion right here in the South. He was on a mission fighting for what he believed in. He may not have gone about it the right way but he fought until his death on October 30, 1831. After that it seemed to be one person after the next until finally Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This was issued in 1863. (1998)This was a valiant attempt at freeing the slaves here in the United States but it technically only freed slaves in the states that were under the jurisdiction of the Confederacy. You would think that would make things better. Nope! There was a 12 year period after that that they worked hard on trying to make things fair for us. Your great-great-grandma was around through the reconciliation period. She said that we were finally awarded citizenship and in 1870 an amendment went in that stated you could not deny us the right to vote because of our race. (1998) My great-Grandma told us that just when things started looking up†¦It got worse. The Democrats came in and changed everything. They started doing every thing that they could to put us back to having no rights. But we as a race stayed as strong as we could. What you have to remember is that making our way in this world has been and remains a consistent struggle. We made leeway though! A young lady buy the name of Sophia Packard and Harriet Giles were able to establish a college for the â€Å"Negros† as the white folk like to call us. This was the first college for African American females. Spelman College’s goal at the time was merely to teach black women to read and write. And that they have done. But here I sit in 1963. A 33 year old female who isn’t sure what is going to be in her future. They call us free. I have to ask myself daily though, â€Å"Am I really free? † I mean we have separate schools. We eat in separate restaurants. (2010) They give us totally different bathrooms to use and all this is because of the color of my skin. I look at this world and I think to myself, â€Å"I put my clothes on the exact same way as everyone else. † Should the color of our skin really make things so much different for us? Every single day we have leaders out there fighting for what is fair and what is right. Take Martin Luther King for instance. (2007) He is on a mission. He is part of a group called the SCLC. (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) He has made major strides. I mean in Montgomery Alabama the black folks get to ride on the same buses with the same rights as the white folks. I can only hope that by the time that you grow up and are able to read and understand all this that you look at all this and have a hard time believing it. As I sit here and write to you and I look across the street of this tiny little home I live in I see the neighbors and in their front yard is a cross that someone has lit on fire. Why, because today he walked a white girl to school. Rumors started and now everyone knows that this little girl likes him. Yet he is being punished for it. It shouldn’t matter. If there is one thing that you need to know and one thing that I can teach you through this letter it is to be you. Know yourself. Never let anyone tell you that you can not do something. Most importantly, remember that loves has no boundaries. It sees no color. It does not understand hate. It does not segregate nor does it discriminate. I hope that you never have to endure the hardships that we have to endure during these trying times. Always remember to live with no regrets and never look back! I love you with all my heart-. Momma Works Citied Page African American Slavery (1998) Long Island University Retrieved from http://www. liu. edu/cwis/CWP/library/aaslavry. htm#turner Timeline Search for African American History (2010) Google Search Engine http://www. google. com/search? q=african+american+history&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=p&tbs=tl:1,tll:1850,tlh:1899&ei=lrPUS9avLoK78gbfpL3qDw&oi=timeline_histogram_nav&ct=timeline-histogram&cd=8&ved=0CIcBEMkBKAg History of African Americans Information Please Database. (2007) Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html.

A Brief History of a Colony That Never Was

New Devon colony was founded on the north-west coast of the modern USA in the Delaware river’s valley.  Ã‚   It was the Indians who had lived here before Europeans came. These were the Indians who spoke the language of Algonquian group. They called themselves Lenni Lenape that meant ‘progenitors‘ or ‘first people’.Other Indian tribes called them ‘grandfathers’ and this fact also confirms that Lenni Lenape was the oldest tribe in this valley. The Indians hunted, fished, farmed cultivating cereals and legumes.   Depending on the season the Indians migrated from forests to the coast. At the beginning of 17th century about seven thousand people lived here.First European investigators of these lands were Dutch. However some seafarers investigated the North-West coast earlier: Englishman John Cabot (1497), Frenchman Giovanni da Verrazano (1524), Spaniard Estevan Gomez (1525), Frenchman Jehan Allefonsce (1542), Englishman Sir John Hawkins (15 62) and others.In 1615 Dutch Johan Stuyvesant left his country for the north-west coast to find suitable place for trading. In June being not far from New Foundland the ship unfortunately took fire. Stuyvesant had to land in order to repair the ship. After the examination of this place the captain became sure that lands are favorable for trade furriery and the river was full of fish.As a result of   Stuyvesant voyage the Dutch post Hoek was founded here.   Soon Englishmen learnt about these lands. They were very impressed with stories about fertile valley and in 1632 John Welsh visited this territory. He was enthusiastic about the prospects of these lands and confirmed everything   the Dutch traders had told.So in 1635 the territory of New Devon was granted to the Earl of Worcester and Englishmen began to immigrate here. Those Dutchmen who to swore fidelity to King could own the lands they had settled before. The land settlement in 17th   century required careful planning an d leading.It was very expensive and risky business. The settlers had to sale more than four thousand miles, they needed food, arm, clothes, seed, implements. Only small group of rich immigrants could afford to pay for such voyage. Others used special colonization agencies. These organization paid for the trip while settlers were bound to work off this debt in the colony as   servants. After four – five years servants could even get a plot to farm.The relationship between the Indians and settlers of New Devon were not so troubled as we can think. William Penn and his Society of Friends or Quakers living in neighboring Pennsylvania influenced the situation greatly. To follow them New Devon concluded a treaty with the Indians in 1701 to keep the peace.As for   economics of New Devon it prospered. The main business was agriculture. Many people however became employed as small fish processing or milling plants workers. Shipbuilding flourished. Cereals, wood, dairy products wer e exported to the southern colonies., West India and Europe.Too busy with commerce residents of New Devon didn’t pay much attention to the education and were obviously behind the southern colonies in this field. Only by the middle of 18th century King’s College was opened here. In 1739 ‘New Devon Weekly Journal’ began published.When granted to the Earl of Worcester King also gave a charter to New Devon. This document proclaimed authority   to be exercised by so called freemen – free colonists. The result of it was that assemblies took over the control of finance. The governor appointed by the Earl couldn’t even collect taxes and spent budget money without assemblies permission. When in 1684 Britain attempted to reestablish King’s rule and cancel the charter colonists simply expelled the governor send by London.Though British authorities realized the necessity to rearrange the Empire the situation in America wasn’t favorable to do this. Colonies got accustomed to independence and required more freedom. To consolidate power Britain had to begin struggle. The first step was the Sugar Act passing in 1764.The sugar act put a tax on sugar, wine, coffee, silk that shipped to the colonies from countries other than Great Britain. New Devon traders combined efforts to   boycott English goods. Residents used only those products which were produced by New Devon plants. Later in 1764,Parliament enacted a Currency Act to prevent paper bills of credit issued in any of King's colonies from being made legal. Since the colony were a deficit trade area and were constantly short of hard currency, this measure added a serious burden to the colonial economy.Equally objectionable from the colonial viewpoint was the Quartering Act, passed in 1765, which required colonies to provide royal troops with provisions and barracks.   But the act that angered the residents most of all was The Stamp Act. The Stamp Act put a tax on al l printed paper goods that colonists bought. Colonists had to pay a tax when buying books, newspapers and playing cards. A person who finished college had to pay a tax on the diploma.Lawyers had to pay a tax on the wills, agreements and other documents. To show that the tax had been paid, a stamp seller put a stamp on the paper.   The hostility arose. People caught officials collected taxes and tarred them. In October of 1765 in response to   Massachusetts assembly New Devon send delegates in New York to discuss the Stamp Act. After the long disputes   the congress enacted to consider as legal only the taxes imposed by colonies themselves. However George III was not going to make any concession. The Revolution became inevitable.During the Revolution many nearly 7000 men of New Devon enlisted for service in spite of the fact that there no important battles here except several skirmishes. New Devon provided the Army with food and arm.Lack of ammunition made residents to melt the statue of King to cast bullets. In 1781 English army surrendered to American and French ones. On September 3, 1783 Great Britain signed Treaty of Paris –   the peace settlement proclaimed the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the colonies. New Devon as well as other colonies became independent.Bibliography1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   About Connecticut; 15 July 2004; available from htpp://; Internet2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Boorstin, Daniel J.   The Americans: Vol. 1: The Colonial Experience, Vol. 2: The Democratic Experience, Vol. 3: The National Experience, Hardback ed., Random House, 19753.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dugan, Jeannine Colonial Immigration: An Overview; 25 January 2004; available from htpp://; Internet4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morris, Richard B.; Henry Steel and Jeffrey B. Morris, eds. Encyclopedia of American History, 6th ed., Hardback ed., Harper & Row, 19825.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pennsylvania state history,   available from htpp://; Internet6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   State of Delaware (A brief history), 12 July 2004; available from htpp://; Internet

Monday, July 29, 2019

Malaria control and intervention by DDt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Malaria control and intervention by DDt - Essay Example Mortality and morbidity rate in Nigeria are very high compared to any country in Africa. Unless the root causes are not determined and effective measures to eradicate the disease are not implemented, any hope for decline in the disease statistics by just preventive measures is useless. DDT can prove to be an effective means to destroy the breeding sites of mosquitoes carrying the parasite and so its risk benefit ratio against the control of Malaria, should be reviewed by the governing bodies for effective eradication of the disease condition from Nigeria. NIGERIA: DEMOGRAPHIC AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION The most populous country in Africa is Nigeria. It covers the area of about 923,768 square kilometers. It is located on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. Benin, Chad, Niger and Cameroon are its neighboring countries. The southern coast is bordered with swamps and mangroves forests and the River Niger flows South through the Western regions of the country. Its capital is Abuja and the three most ethnic and influential groups of Nigeria are Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. An estimation of Nigerian population was made by the United Nations; it was 124,009,000, which made it the tenth most populated country of the world in the year 2000. The birth rate skyrocketed with 40.12% per 1000 and the death rate was 13.72 per 1000 for the same year. The annual growth rate of the population was 2.67% for the years 2000 till 2015. 44% of the population lives in the urban areas. The Southern regions are thickly populated than the North. The most populated city of Nigeria is Lagos. Nigeria is made up of 36 states and there are six geopolitical zones in it. (National Encyclopedia) MALARIA: Malaria is a tropical disease which is caused by Anopheles mosquito bite. A female mosquito, Anopheles, infected with plasmodia parasite. The infected person faces fever attacks with influenza symptoms, fatigue and diarrhea and many other indicating symptoms of the infection. Parasites grow in the inte stine of the mosquito and are present in the salivary glands for its easy transmission to host. With a single bite of the mosquito, parasite is injected into the blood stream of the person and invades in liver. Liver and blood acts as host for development and completing the life cycle of malarial sporozoites. Parasites multiply inside red blood cells and expose the symptoms of malaria within 10 days to 4 weeks of infection. It takes over 5 -16 days for sporozoites to grow and divide, and sometimes it takes more than that, so parasite remains dormant for an extended period of time. Malaria parasites are from the genus Plasmodium. Altogether four types of Plasmodium can cause Malaria, out of which Plasmodium Falciparum causes the most fatal Malaria. Plasmodium Ovale, P. vivax, P. Malariae causes milder Malaria.(Easmon C.,2009) MALARIA IN NIGERIA: Malaria is one of the leading cause of death in Sub Saharan and other third world countries. Developed countries have eradicated the disease by various useful means but still sometimes cases of malaria are reported because the strains of plasmodium carrying Anopheles bacteria are still present in these regions. In 2007, CDC received

Sunday, July 28, 2019

DO MUTUAL FUNDS DELIVER ALPHA Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

DO MUTUAL FUNDS DELIVER ALPHA - Dissertation Example Market selection is when the manager is able to select among the assets traded in the market the lowly priced asset and sell it at a higher price in the future due to its rise in returns. Market timing funds in most cases moves towards highly concentrated industry, fund which are large and align to small-cap stocks. The decisions that some managers do make sometime do outperform the market while at times they underperform. This has raised the debate whether the manager’s performance is guided by luck or skill in the manner under which they arrive at decision making. This paper undertakes to investigate how a number of mutual funds analyses have faired in their performance in the past years from a given data of selected fund firms. Finance literature has two contrasting strands on how optimal asset allocation is arrived at. On one hand, the argument has being that aggregate returns on the stock market are predictable and thus, investors are able to reach at optimal asset alloca tion based on the predictability strand. In contrast, argument has being that there is minimal evidence that investors utilize the predictability of aggregate stock market returns in their asset allocation. Investors in the past have being interested in funds that have large annual returns like the case of Fidelity Magellan mutual fund which outperformed S&P 500 index for 13 years in its 11 indexes from 1977 to 1989 under the stewardship of Peter Lynch. However, a number of funds making outstanding profits have being collapsing and investors are in the present days interested in other dynamics of fund performance. The problem has being the difficulty an investor faces in choosing the right manager to out perform the market and maintain. This paper undertakes a research that focuses on performance of some mutual funds by market timing and security selection. Market timing means that the manager has the ability to predict price changes of securities and thus, they invest or withdraw f unds in a timely manner from an investment. Security selection on the hand means that the manager has the ability to identify and select lowly priced securities that will provide returns in the future. 2. Literature Review Literature that has dwelled on evaluating performance of mutual funds has being very successful in the foundation of modern days theory on portfolio and how assets are valued (Guerard, 2009). The investors understanding on how to compile a portfolio by taking care of risk and returns has being contributed by Markowitz (1959) and Sharpe (1964). An investor will select a portfolio currently that is able to produce returns later. Sharpe (1964) in analyzing 34 open-ended mutual funds found out that the capital market efficiency is usually high. Also, managers are more interested in evaluating risk and engaging in diversification instead of evaluating on mispriced securities. According to Sharpe (1964), an investor is able to achieve any return on assets along the capi tal market line if he/she undertakes primary diversification at equilibrium because capital asset will have adjusted. This is because investors avoids risks in selecting among portfolios and are only concerned by mean and variance of their investment. The expected return can be maximized by undertaking additional risk on the holdings. Thus, in the market there will be two prices of interest rate and the risk price and for additional return per unit is as a result of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Brief about Charles Sturt University's Faculty of Business Essay

Marketing Brief about Charles Sturt University's Faculty of Business - Essay Example The market brief report has discussed all the necessary materials that were required to assist Head of Business Faculty at CSU in promotional tasks. Charles Sturt University or CSU’s Faculty of Business is widely acknowledged for professional business causes. The faculty has earned an outstanding reputation with labour market for producing individuals who not only survive the predicaments of current's business world, but do extremely well in the opportunities which they generate. The promotion concentrates on Bachelor’s Business programme, majoring in Business. The promotional materials that are designed and developed for advertisement of CSU’s bachelor's business programme included a full page newspaper ad, non-traditional support media OR design a specialty media item, a billboard, a 90-second television commercial, a direct mail advertisement and a 20 second radio advert. The Faculty of business intends to promote the courses offered at the institution. The pr omotion concentrates on Bachelor’s Business programme, majoring in Business. The courses that are being currently advertised are as included (1) Bachelor of Business (Marketing) (2) Bachelor of Business (Finance) (3)Â  Bachelor of Business (Human Resource) (4) Bachelor of Business (Insurance)(5)Bachelor of Business category of management (6) Bachelor of Business Studies and (7)Diploma of Business Studies [exit point only] (Charles Sturt University, 2013).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Christopher Billop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Christopher Billop - Essay Example Although Christopher was unwavering in his dedication to staying within the British Empire, it was a difficult choice to make and to abide by it during the Revolution. Before the start of the war, some Quakers were seized and jailed in Virginia because they were deemed to support the colonialists (Sabine 26). The Patriots, a group fighting the British, were not a lenient people since they regularly harassed the loyalists, took their property, and even harmed them. Christopher’s vehemence against patriots in the revolution made him a target of patriots’ anger; he was abducted and held for ransom two times. On June 1779, some patriots rowed from Perth Amboy and arrested Christopher; he was detained for two months. The next kidnap happened in November 1779 and held in a jail in New Jersey. Christopher was chained to the floor and given light food to survive with (Sabine 27). He was informed that his arrest was revenge for people arrested by the British. In the second arrest, he was again detained for two months and set free after Christmas. The arrests were supposed to send a message to the loyalists that their efforts to support the British Empire were unpopular amongst the patriots. Every American was supposed to support the revolution and kick out the British.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Health and Quality Care Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Health and Quality Care Administration - Essay Example Customer focus contributes to CQI because it emphasizes on the satisfaction of the customer in assessing the performance of the institution. The customer usually has high expectations of quality in healthcare service, and focusing on them in order to measure the performance of an institution is a sure way of establishing CQI. In order to assist in establishing CQI, systems view takes into consideration the entire system or process that gives the service or affects the results in the CQI process. It takes a holistic view of the system and determines where improvements need to be made in order to reach CQI. Data driven or evidence-based analysis contributes to CQI in the sense that it focuses on objective data in order to establish the status of the institution. It focuses on what the institution actually did or did not do to assist or deter it from establishing CQI. Implementer involvement takes into account the executors and owners of the system in order to understand the delivery of services. Through this element, the people involved in the implementation of the system are assessed on their role in reaching CQI. In establishing CQI, multiple causation takes into account all possible causes of phenomena seen in the institution. Through this element, it is possible to determine the causes of problems in an institution in order to ultimately avoid encountering these same problems in the future. Solution identification helps establish simultaneous improvements to what would have been independent functions in the system. Through solution identification, problems in the implementation of quality healthcare services which normally are diverse and independent of each other are addressed and solved as related items. In process optimization, precedents in the delivery of services are disregarded. Through this strategy, CQI is achieved because it

Religion And Its Effect on Medical Decisions Essay

Religion And Its Effect on Medical Decisions - Essay Example The author of the essay "Religion And Its Effect on Medical Decisions" believes that religion is an impactful force in the lives of many individuals, it undoubtedly impacts medical decisions. Health issues such as life, death, abortion, chemotherapy, etc have attracted religious arguments. At most instances, medical decisions are taken in accordance with the religious beliefs in order to avoid moral clashes. However, at many places, religion and medical decisions have conflicted to culminate in inhibited health care. The case of Adam Lovell is an example of when his parents let their religious convictions to risk the life of their two and a half year old son (Novotny, Perkin, and Orr). At the end of the essay the author comes to a conclusion. He sums up that medical decisions are impacted by various factors many of which are influenced by religion and spirituality. Also, the religious orientation and inclination of patients and their families are central factors that dominate the level of religiosity impacting medical decisions. The notion that religious individuals tend to go for life extending treatments is not generally true as willingness varies from person to person. Also, for serious illnesses and diseases such as cancer, the health care professionals may not consider religion as a priority for decision making as opposed to life saving scenarios that involve a greater focus on clinical recommendations than religion. That said, religion still dominates medical decisions as many patients are more religiously inclined.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Care of Patient with Rigth Hip replacement surgery(postop to Essay

Care of Patient with Rigth Hip replacement surgery(postop to discharge) - Essay Example Mobilization out of bed depends on the surgeon and may start on first day. Bed exercises such as quadriceps contraction and ankle exercises are encouraged for enhanced circulation. Routine chest physiotherapy1 is given to prevent chest complications. The procedures on the second day of operation include walking to the bathroom with the help of a walker. The patient should be gradually ambulated to walk with crutches and taught special maneuvers to ease daily activities like climbing stairs. Following hip operations, the catheter should remain in situ for two days and the patient is well advised to use bedpan for his elimination needs. These post operative procedures may limit your activities, are rather inconvenient and may feel troublesome. After surgery, Surgeons and nurses do several things to reduce the risk of blood clots forming in the veins of the patients legs. If they do form, this can lead to increased swelling in the legs. If the clots break loose they may travel to the patients' lungs and interfere with breathing. To avoid such complications, before the surgery, the nurse will apply elastic stockings to help prevent blood from pooling in the patients' legs. The surgical team may place the patient on either aspirin or Coumadin to thin blood to reduce the risk of clot formation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Journal 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Journal 4 - Essay Example This shows that the size of the inferno is too big for the people on the run to control, as they need to secure their lives first. At the fore, middle, and background, the artist paints most of the ventilations of the building including the doors and the windows in black color to put emphasis on the magnitude of the smoke inside the building. By a keen glance at the middle ground, the painter has made use of horizontal lines on the building with short vertical lines cutting between the horizontal lines as an indication that the multistory structure is either a stone or a block building. Although the artist in this painting presents a number of scenes, the focus of this painting is at the fore ground where he portrays people escaping out of the building through the main exit route. The painter manages to catch and retain the attention of the viewers by the yellow color and curvy shape of the flames and smoke with several people taking to their heels, meaning that there is an impending danger. This style of art is a painting because the artist has used various colors, shapes, and lines in his image. The main reason that prompted the concerned artist to come up with this particular piece of art could have been the plight of lowly and neglected that constantly encountered such challenges as home infernos with little or no help from the authorities. Although there were several pieces of art, this one came from an artist who was one of the renowned artists globally in the 1960s and so he quality of his artistic works were always guaranteed. Besides, he depicted in his painting an issue that touches on social and moral responsibility, as his focus was to expose the predicaments of the then refugees. I can say that the humanitarian aspect of the painting resonated with me personally due to the compassionate aspect of my character and I guess this might have been one of the driving forces behind my choice. The image invokes my benevolence side, as it encourages

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cost of delivery Essay Example for Free

Cost of delivery Essay 1. The chain stores’ request to reduce cycle time by shipping directly to the stores would seriously affect the service model and delivery costs for BKI. Because, the proposed model would mean that BKI would have to process more number of deliveries in smaller quantities and transport them separately to each store. Cost of delivery will increase due to smaller quantities to be delivered directly to stores resulting in more trips, farther distances and lower economies of scale. This is in complete contrast to the more structured and systematic current model of weekly deliveries of standard quantities to the stores’ warehouses. 2. In my opinion, Joe Rutner’s proposal of establishing a set of six company-owned facilities to act as regional DCs seems to be a step in the right direction for taking on the supply chain requirements of BKI’s customers in the future. Rather than dismissing this store’s request as a one-off case and handling it on a temporary basis, Rutner has proposed a solution that is likely to take the company forward into the future. He understands that the retail stores are themselves are looking to cut costs by improving their inventory and supply chain management and such requests would become common from most if not all of the existing customers. Moreover the new retail stores mushrooming in the market are likely to have less regional facilities and would need the proposed arrangement from BKI. 3. The matter of ownership of these facilities is very important for the success of this proposed supply chain arrangement as the management of BKI needs to study the long term impact of the costs involved. In the long term it would be better if BKI goes for direct ownership of the facilities as it would benefit the profitability of the operations by keeping the costs of maintenance lower than those involved in the alternatives such as co-owned or franchisee structure. However, the management will have to consider the availability of capital resources if it opts for direct ownership. The capital required for the facilities could be lowered to an extent by going for rented building rather than constructing new premises. This would decrease the time required to implement the new proposal also.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Loss of Top Predators in the Ocean

Loss of Top Predators in the Ocean It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the sign of deterioration within the population dynamics of marine apex predators. Sharks, mammals, and large teleost fish amongst others species, play a critical role in maintaining a stable and balanced marine ecosystem by regulating species abundance, diversity, and distribution (Stier et al., 2016). Recently, researchers have shown an interest in the increasing densities of medium size predators known as the mesopredators due to rapid decline in apex predators (Brook et al., 2008). However, these rapid changes are having a serious adverse effect on the marine community, thereby leading to a top-down trophic cascade due to the removal of a top predator (Shackell et al., 2010). To be more specific, the loss of top predators affects the aquatic community on a number of levels: trophic, behavioral, and populations. This essay will provide an overview and highlight the importance of top predators in marine ecosystem as well as change in trophic levels and behavioral patterns that affect the aquatic food web. Apex predators have been victim to human imposed activities such as overexploitation through fishing industries, habitats destruction, introduction of invasive species and increased anthropogenic pollutants creating unfavorable conditions to thrive (Madin et al., 2016). The major impact relating to loss of top predators manifests in the trophic aspect following in a close correlation between the decline of the predators and preys (Baum and Worm, 2009). Extensive research indicates that the existences of the invasive species has a negative contribution towards the top predators (De Poorter et al., 2010). For example, in 1980s the comb jelly fish (Ctenophora) originally from North America was introduced in the black sea, which lead to a dramatic alteration within the food chain, thus releasing toxin causing the death a total of 14 humpback whales (De Poorter et al., 2010). On the other hand, overfishing across the globe has led to 90% decrease in large shark biomass regionally (Heupel et al., 2014). Due to the decline of larger sharks it has led to the inflexion of a particular ray species which diet constitute about 70% of scallops thus contributed towards the drop of scallop fishery causing ecological and economic losses in the North Atlantic Ocean (Ferretti et al., 2010) (Grubbs et al., 2013). For instance, a research conducted on the U.S eastern seaboard indicates that a decrease in 11 types of large sharks results in the additio n of 12 to 14 small mesoconsumers (Madin et al., 2016). Additionally, a decline in catch rates of 13 large pelagic predators results in an upsurge catch of pelagic stingrays and other small animals (Madin et al., 2016). Furthermore, studies showed that decline in the Canadian cod (Gadus morhua), led to the upsurge in the number of small pelagic and marine invertebrates. As a result, this has led to the cascading alterations in the copepod in addition to the phytoplankton communities (Araà ºjo and Bundy, 2012). Studies have also shown that shifts in the diet by destroyer whales, which move along the Aleutian island have resulted from a reduction in the number of sea otters present in the island. In effect, urchins are released from the predations thereby causing the reduction of kelp forest due to their overgrazing (Heithaus et al., 2008). Therefore, it is evident that there is a close connection between the decline of the predators and the prey in the ecosystems. Another aspect that should be closely examined is the behavioral one. The scholars believe that aquatic life uses the behavioral responses to different risk in efforts to avoid encountering predators. For instance, dolphins and other animals forage in productive shallow seagrass during a time when the number of sharks is reduced. However, they move to less industrious but harmless surroundings when the population of sharks in the ecosystem is high (Griffin et al., 2008). Additionally, when top predator disappear the mesoconsumer population increases and may shift their behavior in foraging pattern, which affect the ecosystem. For instance, shark and killer whale help maintain the seal population but due to loss in numbers the fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) in New Zealand thrives causing the temperate reef fish (morwong Chelilodactulus nigripes) to reduce foraging effort, leading to reduced grazing on turf algae (Heithaus et al., 2008). The impacts of behavior response to predation risks among the prey may include experiencing energetic cost and the lack of adequate utilization of resources (Langerhans, 2007). As such, their growth and reproductive outputs are limited in the ecosystems by the predation risks (Abdulla, 2004). In other cases, the risks of tiger sharks limit the number of prey and activate trophic cascades. Tiger sharks ultimately decrease browsing on the sea grasses in risky places but escalating in harmless environments that are portrayed in longitudinal processes of seagrass nutritional components (Griffin et al., 2008). Having examined all the points, that were mentioned in the paragraphs above, one is able to come to the following conclusion: top predators are important as they regulate the species abundance, diversity, and distribution that contribute to a healthy marine ecosystem. The significance of the risk effects as well as individual predator species depends on the community diversity, habitat heterogeneity, life history features of mesoconsumers and predators. A decrease in the predator diversity in some occasions leads to positive impacts on the mesoconsumers (Baum and Worm, 2009). The comparative impacts of specific predator type elimination can decrease per an upsurge in variety, which relies on the pursuing strategies utilized by the alienated slayers in the population. The environmental structures have an influence on the ecological effects of top predators declines as well as the relative strengths of risk effects. Furthermore, the decreased number of predators results in the increase d prey populations and other adverse effects such as shifting coral reefs to algae dominated habitats, a decline of seagrass among others. Resent research states the predators play a major role in carbon cycling within the ocean (Atwood et al., 2015). Therefore, there is the need to protect these predators from future declines through establishing some effective strategies. The strategies may include decreasing the demand for shark products, reducing the number of top predators reared for commercial fisheries and ensuring improved management. References Abdulla, A., 2004. Predator-prey interactions in coral reef fish: The implications of Predation risk on the behavior and growth of prey (Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University). Atwood, T.B., Connolly, R.M., Ritchie, E.G., Lovelock, C.E., Heithaus, M.R., Hays, G.C., Fourgurean, J.W and Macreadie, P.I., 2015. Predators help protect carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystem. Nature Climate Change, 5(12), pp. 1038-1045. Araujo, J.N. and Bundy, A., 2012. Effects of environmental change, fisheries and trophodynamics on the ecosystem of the western Scotian Shelf, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 464, pp.51-67. Baum, J.K. and Worm, B., 2009. Cascading top down effects of changing oceanic predator abundances. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78(4), pp.699-714. Bourdaud, P., Gascuel, D., Bentorcha, A. and BrindAmour, A., 2016. New trophic indicators and target values for an ecosystem-based management of fisheries. Ecological Indicators, 61, pp.588-601. De Poorter, M., Darby, C. and MacKay, J., 2010. Marine Menace. Alien invasive species in the marine environment, IUCN. Edwards, H., 2016. When Predators Become Prey: The Need For International Shark Conservation. Ocean and Coastal Law Journal, 12(2), p.5. Ferretti, F., Worm, B., Britten, G.L., Heithaus, M.R. and Lotze, H.K., 2010. Patterns and ecosystem consequences of shark declines in the ocean. Ecology letters, 13(8), pp.1055-1071. Griffin, E., Miller, K., Freitas, B. and Hirshfield, M., 2008. Oceana: Predators as Prey: Why Healthy Oceans Need Sharks. Grubbs, R.D., Carlson, J.K., Romine, J.G., Curtis, T. and McElroy, D., 2013. Save the bay, eat a ray: a purported trophic cascade mediated by declines in large shark populations and the consequences of applying simplistic models to complex ecosystems. Conference abstract. In 141st American Fisheries Society meeting. American Fisheries Society, CITY, Maryland. Abstract_Book_ (pp. 9-20). Heithaus, M.R., Frid, A., Wirsing, A.J. and Worm, B., 2008. Predicting ecological consequences of marine top predator declines. Trends in Ecology Evolution, 23(4), pp.202-210 Heupel, M.R., Knip, D.M., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Dulvy, N.K., 2014. Sizing up the ecological role of sharks as predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 495, pp.291-298. Langerhans, B.R., 2007. Evolutionary consequences of predation: avoidance, escape, reproduction, and diversification. In Predation in Organisms. Springer Nature, pp. 177-220. Madin, E.M., Dill, L.M., Ridlon, A.D., Heithaus, M.R. and Warner, R.R., 2016. Human activities change marine ecosystems by altering predation risk. Global change biology, 22(1), pp.44-60. Myers, R.A., Baum, J.K., Shepherd, T.D., Powers, S.P. and Peterson, C.H., 2007. Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean. Science, 315(5820), pp.1846-1850. Shackell, N.L., Frank, K.T., Fisher, J.A.D., Petrie, B. and Leggett, W.C. 2010. Decline in top predator body size and changing climate alter trophic structure in an oceanic ecosystem, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1686), pp. 1353-1360. Stier, A.C., Samhouri, J.F., Novak, M., Marshall, K.N., Ward, E.J., Holt, R.D. and Levin, P.S. 2016. Ecosystem context and historical contingency in apex predator recoveries, 2(5). Thomsen, S.K. and Green, D.J., 2016. Cascading effects of predation risk determine how marine predators become terrestrial prey on an oceanic island. Ecology, 97(12), pp.3530-3537.

Determination of Protein Concentration Experiment

Determination of Protein Concentration Experiment ABSTRACT: The objective of this experiment is to determine the concentrations of RNase H which was purified in the previous lab experiment and of an unknown solution, which was administered by the TA. A Bradford reagent was utilized to determine the total concentration which binds to the protein. The samples were placed in a spectrophotometer and the absorbance was recorded for each sample. The data was compared to the calibration curve made using the standard protein solutions and the absorbance reading. Our sample was unknown #3, which had a total concentration of 1.418 mg/mL. The concentrations for the original flow through, washing buffer flow through, and the eluting buffer flow through were 0.021 mg/mL, 0.0274 mg/mL, and 0.014 mg/mL, respectively, with a 98% confidence interval of  ± 0.0021 %. INTRODUCTION: In the previous lab experiment, the His-tag protein RNase H was purified by implementing a method called affinity chromatography. Affinity chromatography is utilized to isolate and purify proteins due to its high selectivity to the protein of interest (Biochemistry, 2015). The unused eluting buffer, original flow through, eluting buffer flow through, and the washing buffer flow through were all retained and stored for the latter experiment #7. In addition to the solutions mentioned, five standards protein solutions are prepared by diluting a 1.56 mg/mL of bovine gamma globulin solution (IgG) and unused eluting buffer. The final prepared solution is placed in a spectrophotometer and set at an absorbance of 596 nm. The unused eluting buffer is used as the control in the experiment to balance the spectrophotometer. A calibration curve is created using the absorbance measured from the five standards. In most cases, the calibration curve or standard curves are generated using a least two sets of data or replicates, which holds true in our case. However, the average of the two absorbance sets were used to create the standard curve. The blank/control consists of a buffer without addition of protein. The protein standards have a known concentration of protein, and the unknown sample is the solution to be assayed (Lab Manual). All of the 20 prepared solutions contain the Bradford protein assay. Bovine gamma globulin is a protein assay that is used as a protein concentration reference standard for use in the Bradford for total protein assay. It is used in Bradford and other protein assays. The Bradford protein assay, also referred to as Bradford reagent, is commonly used in laboratories to determine the concentration of the protein within the sample. The reagent binds to the proteins present. The amount of protein present is proportional the binding of the Bradford reagent. Meaning that the more protein present in the sample, the greater the dye will bind. The reagent is said to colorimetric, therefore, a color change can be observed, in reference to the protein concentration. The blue hue from the reagent becomes progressively darker as we increase the protein concentration. The opposite holds true for the lighter blue hue, which indicates less protein is present in the solution. With the aid of the Bradford Reagent, it is possible to determine the total amount of protein c oncentration present in the sample of interest. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES: MATERIALS: Unused Eluting Buffer (Control)-from lab #6 Eluting Buffer flow through (EB)-from lab #6 Washing Buffer flow through (WB)-from lab #6 Original Flow through (OFT)-from lab #6 1 mL of a 1.56 mg/mL Solution of Bovine Gamma Globulin (IgG) 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/mL of IgG-Protein Concentration Standards Bradford Reagent 20 plastic test tubes Cuvets, disposable plastic Parafilm Spectrophotometer PROCEDURES: Prepare five standard protein solutions in a microcentrifuge tube by diluting the 1.56 mg/mL of IgG stock solution appropriately with unused eluting buffer from lab #6. Each solution should have a total volume of 250  µL and the concentrations should be as follows: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.5 of IgG. Set up 20 test tubes and divide into two sets. Label 5 test tubes per the concentrations mentioned above, and the remaining 5 tubes as follows; eluting buffer flow through, unused eluting buffer, original flow through, washing flow through, and the unknown sample # obtained from the TA. Repeat this procedure for set two. Add 50  µL of the appropriate solution to each tube. Add 1.5 mL of Bradford reagent to each of the 20 test tubes then cover with each tube with parafilm and mix using the vortex mixer for approx..3 seconds. Wait 10 minutes and then transfer all the solutions to cuvets. For set one and two, place the unused eluting buffer cuvet into the spectrophotometer a pparatus to balance and set to 596 nm. Read the absorbance for the other cuvets. Record each reading in lab notebook. Plot the average absorbance on the y-axis vs. concentration on the x-axis of the duplicate standard protein solutions. Determine the concentrations of the original flow through, washing flow through, eluting buffer flow through, and the unknown sample by using equation generated from the slope of the plot. RESULTS: DATA TABLES: Standard Protein Solutions: Protein Concentration (mg/mL) Volume of 1.56 mg/mL IgG Stock Solution Needed ( µL) Volume of Unused Eluting Buffer Used ( µL) Total Volume of Solution 0.25 40 210 250  µl 0.50 80 170 250  µl 0.75 120 130 250  µl 1.0 160 90 250  µl 1.5 240 10 250  µl Absorbance Data: Concentrations (mg/mL) Absorbance at 596 nm Set 1 Set 2 Average 1.50 0.608 0.633 0.621 1.00 0.455 0.423 0.439 0.75 0.441 0.246 0.344 0.50 0.162 0.307 0.235 0.25 0.043 0.056 0.050 Unused EB (Control) = 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 Original Flow through 0.004 -0.003 0.001 Washing Buffer 0.002 0.005 0.004 Eluting Buffer 0.001 -0.004 -0.002 Unknown Sample #3 0.608 0.606 0.607 Total Concentration: Protein Sample Concentration (mg/mL) Original Flow through 0.0205 Washing Buffer 0.0274 Eluting Buffer 0.0136 Unknown Sample #3 1.418 GRAPH: CALCULATIONS: The expression given by the best fit linear trend will be used to determine the concentrations for the original flow through, washing flow through, eluting buffer flow through, and unknown sample #3. Where y-represents the absorbance, and x-represents the concentration. The units corresponding to the slope are in mg/mL. Equation of the slope is: y = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079. Solving for x will give us the concentrations of the samples. Concentration of the Original Flow Through: Rearrange to solve for x: y = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¨ x = (y 0.0079)/(0.4336) (0.001) = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 x = (0.001 + 0.0079)/(0.4336) x = 0.0205 mg/mLà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€  0.021 mg/mL CALCULATIONS: (continued) Concentration of Washing Buffer Flow Through: y = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 (0.004) = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 x = (0.004 + 0.0079)/(0.4336) x = 0.0274 mg/mLà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€  0.027 mg/mL Concentration of Eluting Buffer Flow Through: y = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 (-0.002) = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 x = (-0.002 + 0.0079)/(0.4336) x = 0.0136 mg/mLà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€  0.014 mg/mL Concentration of Unknown Solution #3: y = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 (0.607) = 0.4336x à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 0.0079 x = (0.607 + 0.0079)/(0.4336) x = 1.418 mg/mL DISCUSSION: The main goal for this experiment was to determine the protein concentration of the original flow through, washing buffer flow through, eluting buffer flow through, and an unknown sample which was given by the TA. These samples apart from the unknown were prepared in the previous lab experiment and was retained for further analyses for this experiment. In addition to the samples mentioned above, five standard protein solutions were prepared by diluting the 1.56 mg/mL of IgG solution with the unused eluting buffer obtained from lab #6. The concentrations of the standards were as follows: 0.25 mg/mL 0.50 mg/mL, 0.75 mg/mL, 1.0 mg/mL, and 1.5 mg/mL. The unused eluting buffer was also used as the control. It was apparent that upon adding the Bradford reagent to the samples there was visible a color change. A few of the solutions instantly turned to a darker blue hue while others remained a light blue color. The darker color indicated there was a greater concentration of proteins. A calibration curve was generated by plotting the concentrations of the five standards and their respective absorbance reading. It was determined that the best fit for the data was linear which yields an equation in the form of y = mx + b, where y represents the absorbance at 596 nm and x represents the protein concentration. The equation was rearranged as to solve for x and determine the protein concentration of the samples and the unknown #3, based on the data from the averages of the two sets of absorbance measured. However, two values from set two gave negative readings, which was indicative that the concentration of the protein was less than that of the control sample. As per my results, it was concluded that our unknown sample had a total protein concentration of 1.418 mg/mL. The concentrations for the flow through of the original solution, washing buffer, and eluting buffer had a total protein concentration of 0.0205 mg/mL, 0.0274 mg/mL, and 0.0136 mg/mL, respectively. The absorbance data was further analyzed using a 98% confidence interval and yielded a  ± 0.002% margin error. The R-value was relatively close to 1, which gives an equation that is more accurate. This also indicates that the calculated values for the protein concentration will reflect a value closer to the true concentration of the protein of interest. REFERENCES: J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, G. J. Gatto, Jr., L. Stryer, Biochemistry (8th ed., pp. 70-71). (2015). W.H. Freeman Company. Bradford, M. M. Analytical Biochemistry. Volume 72. A Rapid and Sensitive Method for the Quantitation of Microgram Quantities of Protein Utilizing the Principle of Protein-dye Binding. (pp. 248-254). (1976). Robyt, J. F. and White, B. J. Biochemical Techniques. Theory and Practice. Brooks/Cole, Monterey, CA. (1997)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

personal narrative Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Growing up as an only child I made out pretty well. You almost can’t help but be spoiled by your parents in some way. And I must admit that I enjoyed it; my own room, T.V., computer, stereo, all the material possessions that I had. But there was one event in my life that would change the way that I looked at these things and realized that you can’t take these things for granted and that’s not what life is about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I was seventeen years old and going into my senior year of high school I was given the opportunity to go on a trip to Spain with my school. It was a two week trip during the summer, visiting different cities and historical sites throughout the country. While we where there we went to see a Flamenco dance show in Seville which is about an hour and a half outside of Madrid, the city where we were staying. It was a Wednesday around one o’clock when we left and the ride up there was really beautiful. We were driving through the country side passing some small villages on the side of the road. We arrived there around 3:30 and sat down for the show. It was really cool they had all the ladies with their bright dresses and fruit in their hair dance around while we ate lunch. And the show ended around five and we started to head home. On the way home we were driving through the countryside along side a small village when all of a sudden we heard a loud bang and the bus started slowing down. After a couple of ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Helen Of Troy :: Ancient Greece Greek History

Helen Of Troy Helen was the most beautiful woman in the entire Greek known world. She was the daughter of the god Zeus and of Leda, and wife of the King of Sparta. The hero Theseus, who hoped in time to marry her, abducted her in childhood but her brothers rescued her. Because Helen was courted by so many prominent heroes, Menelaus made all of them swear to abide by Helen's choice of a husband, and to defend that husband's rights should anyone attempt to take Helen away by force. Helen's beauty was the direct cause of the Trojan War. The ten-year conflict began when the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite asked the Trojan prince Paris to choose the most beautiful among them. After each of the goddesses had attempted to influence his decision, Paris chose Aphrodite, who had promised him the world's most beautiful woman. Soon afterward Paris sailed to Greece, where Helen and her husband hospitably received him, Menelaus, king of Sparta. Helen, as the fairest of her sex, was the prize destined for Paris. Although she was living happily with Menelaus, Helen fell under the influence of Aphrodite and allowed Paris to persuade her to run off with him, and he carried her off to Troy. Menelaus then called upon the Greek leaders, including Helen's former suitors, to help him rescue his wife, and with few exceptions they responded to his call. Agamemnon his brother led the forces to Troy. During ten years of conflict, the Greeks and Trojans fought irresolutely. Then Paris and Menelaus agreed to meet in single combat between the opposing armies, and Helen was summoned to view the duel. As she approached the tower, where the aged King Priam and his counselors sat, her beauty was still so matchless and her sorrow so great that no one could feel for her anything but compassion. Although the Greeks claimed the vic tory in the battle between the two warriors, Aphrodite helped Paris escape from the enraged Menelaus by enveloping him in a cloud and taking him safely to Helen's chamber, where Aphrodite compelled the unwilling Helen to lie with him. Unable to capture the city after a siege of ten years, the Greeks resorted to strategy. Agamemnon's forces, namely Odysseus, came up with a plan. They sailed away and left the Trojan horse, filled with armed warriors, on the shore. Sinon, a Greek spy, persuaded the Trojans to take the horse into the city, convincing them that to do so would mysteriously make Troy invulnerable.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool Essay -- Health, Diseases

This assignment will discuss a trust adapted version of the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). It will demonstrate an understanding of theoretical knowledge used to develop the assessment tool. The assignment will focus on three components within the tool; discussing the reliability and validity when used in a clinical environment. A reflection of my own experience using the tool will be included and linked to aspects of reliability. Any issues with reliability will be identified and suggestions given on how they can be corrected to aid future use. MUST is a five-step screening tool designed for healthcare professionals to identify adult patients who at risk of, or are malnourished. It includes guidelines on how to develop an effective treatment plan. The Malnutrition Advisory Group (MAG) in 2000 adapted and extended their community screening tool to include care homes and hospitals, in response to national concerns. (Department of Health, 2001). In 2003 MUST was designed by MAG and the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN). It was piloted across many care settings, to target patients who may be at risk of malnutrition. I have chosen this tool as it is widely used in healthcare; however malnutrition is often unrecognised and mismanaged. According BAPEN some three million people in the UK are at risk or are malnourished. Malnutrition can affect a patient physically, mentally and can also increase recovery time (Zellipour, & Stratton, 2005). This assignment will help me understand the theory and rationale behind the development of the MUST. The first component of the MUST involves measuring the patient’s height and weight to establish their Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is the’ relationship b... ...n or ulna length as-well-as the type of measuring device used to weight the patient for example chair or hoist scale. This would enable the assessment to be carried out each time using the same measurement and equipment, which would make the test fair and more reliable (Medical Education Division, 2007). This assignment has discussed the theory and development of a trust adapted version of the MUST. A rationale of my choice has been included and linked to specific learning objectives. A discussion regarding the three components of this tool has been included; these have been linked to validity and reliability. Finally a reflection of my experiences using the MUST in a medical care of the elderly ward has been included with regards to aspects of reliability and theories about how these can be overcome to aid future use-age in a clinical setting.

Analysis of Meno’s Question to Socrates

In Plato’s dialogue, Meno, Socrates is asked a paradoxical question about what virtue is by Meno. â€Å"How will you enquire, Socrates, into that which you do not know? What will you put forth as the subject of enquiry? And if you find what you want, how will you ever know that this is the thing which you did not know? † Socrates retorts that if you already know what you are searching for, then you do not have to search.Alternatively, if you do not know what you are looking for, the search is indeed futile. However, Socrates attempts to explain to Meno why it is that he will be able to find what virtue is by introducing the idea that knowledge is inherent in the individual as it is passed along through the soul. When Meno demands proof of this concept, Socrates provides an example of a slave boy using â€Å"inherent knowledge† to calculate the length of a square needed to double it’s own area.This experiment shows Meno that virtue, along with other knowled ge, can indeed be discovered through the inherent knowledge in one’s soul, and only has to be â€Å"remembered† to become of use. When Meno proposes his argument to Socrates that a search for what you do not know is impossible, he is reasoning that if one does not know what it is they are trying to find, one will never know if they have found it. Meno seeks to understand how an individual can find new knowledge if they have no clue how to find it or how to comprehend the discovery of it.Socrates acknowledges Meno’s argument and states that â€Å"man cannot enquire either about that which he knows, or about that which he does not know; for if he knows, he has no need to enquire; and if not, he cannot; for he does not know the very subject about which he is to enquire† (Meno, Plato). Meno believes that this proves his own argument, but Socrates proposes an alternate way to attain knowledge. Socrates speaks of â€Å"priests and priestesses† who  "say that the soul of man is immortal† (Meno, Plato).Also, he says the soul has kept all the knowledge from previous â€Å"lives† that it has had, and therefore knowledge is obtained through recollection instead of learning. Socrates attempts to prove his theory by providing an example with one of Meno’s slaves. His experiment is simple. Socrates calls over a slave boy and asks him about squares. The boy knows has some knowledge of the properties of squares including the fact that they have four equal sides, they can be divided in half, and the area is equal to the side multiplied by the other side.However, when Socrates asks the boy to determine the length of a side necessary to double the area of a 2Ãâ€"2 foot square, the boy mistakenly says 4 feet (which would yield a square 4 times too large). The slave proposes a length of three feet, but is wrong again. Here Socrates makes a note of the â€Å"torpedo’s touch† (Meno, Plato) or â€Å"aporiaâ⠂¬  (Aporia, Burbules), which means that the boy knows that he does not know.Socrates states that this state of mind is better than believing false knowledge, because one will know that there is knowledge to seek. Socrates maintains that throughout the experiment he was never teaching the slave, but only asking of his opinions. Therefore, the knowledge that the slave called upon must have already been inherent if he had not learned it before (since slaves had little education the boy was the perfect example for Socrates to demonstrate this â€Å"inborn knowledge. ) Socrates makes his argument clear: if the slave had no knowledge of what is was he was searching for (the length of the side), and the information was not taught to the boy, then the information must have already been inherent in the boy’s soul. Here is Socrates’ argument in Premise/Conclusion form: P: Slave isn’t taught. P: Slave has no prior knowledge. P: Immortal soul contains knowledge. C: Knowl edge must come from one’s immortal soul. P: You do not know what you are trying to find. P: You are not taught what you are trying to find.P: Your soul contains inherent knowledge. C: You can find what you are searching for through recollection of the knowledge â€Å"stored† in your soul. Socrates’ proofs are meant to enforce his views that knowledge such as virtue must be searched for, â€Å"that a man should enquire about that which he does not know† (Meno, Plato). Citations: Burbules, Nicholas C. â€Å"Aporias, Webs, and Passages: Doubt as an Opportunity to Learn. † Curriculum Inquiry 30. 2 (2000): n. pag. Aporia. 2000. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. . Plato, and R. S. Bluck. Meno. Cambridge [Eng. : University, 1961. N. pag. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Circuit City Essay

1). Which of the three wooes to history for broaden guaranty and service contracts is approximately consistent with the actual substance of a trades transaction involving equipment and an extended guarantee contract? Approach number one, the unspoiled receipts recognition is the close to consistent due to the reasons which are demonstrated on exhibit two according to the pecuniary Accounting concept No.5. As say in this exhibit, Revenues must be twain realized and earned prior to the recognition. In this case, after considering the goods and services move metropolis at that point of sale both taxation and earnings make believe been realized because goods expect ex diversifyd hands. At this point of time, even though the greet services havent been used, in that location is a clear agreement and bureau that the necessary services go away be rendered during the period of the warranty Further in exhibit 2 it states four unwrap components which justifies that the Full Revenue Approach is the topper match of the sale of product and extended warranty because at the time of sale an entity pull up stakes be considered to have advantageously completed the earning process if 1). It incurs the selling make up2). It has established service network, which is there for the most part to provide the customers with the service associated with the shapers warranty. 3). Relatively few customers mobilize for service during the extended period 4). Estimates locoweed be made with relative consequence as to future costs to be incurred under the extended warranty. Under these facts, set city had met all the qualifications to report their revenues as they did. The system was in place and the report of revenues didnt seem to have all discrepancies. The information users (Share holders) seem to be intelligent with the results. Concurrently the profitability of the participation as a whole appears to be in wide maximized. 2).Why is this revenue desc ribe strategy is an come forward to Circuit stores Inc? on that point is couple of reasons wherefore senior vice prexy Michael Chalifoux is have-to doe with 1). He is concerned because if the proposed account statement describe method goes to effect, there get out be a delay on full recognition of revenue and income until the exhaustion of the warranty which will result wiped extinct(p)er income reported. dismantle revenue reports do non mull well on businesses especially when they had antecedently shown signs of growth. The reasons might be understood internally, exclusively not externally. 2). Vice president is similarly concerned about the negative wedgeon shareholders fairness which would be significant in the merchandising industry. By showing low revenue earnings, some of the big companies who act as suppliers might be hesitant to do business with Circuit urban center because the strand might not be fit to move their product as libertine they anticipated. m uch(prenominal) a diversify will cause a major privation of revenue which might cause the train to gout of business. 3). If the comp any starts to show low income earnings, that diversity might cause cooperate thought for the investors. Such suspicions cause investors not to invest in the business with confidence. Such a shift drives the stock grocery prices which may force the company to sell its shares at a lower cost.3). What would be the effects on Circuit City stores financial statements if FASB requires them to change accounting for extended warranty and product maintenance contracts? 1). There will be definitely a change on reported revenue which is going to be lower that if the company had continued to report as previously. The change might cause a foment up within the company accounting department and the share holders, however it is my gruelling feeling that things will level out eventually. Even though sometimes change is difficult, Michael Chalifoux needs to have a precise clear communication with the shareholders and the internal associates so they know what impact will the change bring.4).What would Michael Chalifoux do? If the strategies of report are in place and there is no decolourize of financial reporting in any way, shape or form, Michael does not have to change and adopt the new proposed reporting strategy. On the other side, if Circuit city is under the direction of FASB as a business entity, it is subject to the rules and regulations thereof. If it comes down to that FASB requires the reporting system to be changes, the vice president should do as proposed. In the keen-sighted run it will be skilful for the company public image. If the company goes to approach 2 which is full deferral of revenue, it will take couple years and things will level back again.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

The secret to maintaining a weight for the haul is about balance.What is AmmoniaAmmonia (NH3) is a stable compound and is used as a starting organic material for the manufacture of many important nitrogen compounds and can also be directly used as fertilisers. It is produced by reacting hydrogen and nitrogen. It is a colourless gas with a sharp odour. The long boiling point is -33.An part is the sum of action which you do.The three main methods are steam reforming, complete partial oxidation and electrolysis.Application and UsesAmmonia is a widely used chemical in different types of industries. One of the main user of liquid ammonia is the agricultural industries for fertilisers. Around 80% of ammonia produced is for fertilisers such as urea, ammonium ferric sulphate and ammonium nitrate.

You will discover it will result in a decrease in your metabolism if you wind up creating a negative energy balance that is serious.Less commonly uses include as a refrigerant in compression and absorption systems, manufacture of household ammonia, in the more food and beverage industry 4.Figure 1: Pie chart showing the uses of Ammonia.Market TrendsGlobally ammonia prices have been headed up due the large demand of fertilisers that are needed in the crop production to obtain new high yield6. The current selling price of ammonia in Europe goes up to $600 per tonne7.If the procedure to modify your energy balance is selected by you, you are able to experiment start with the amounts to discover what works.US$102 billion in 2019. As there is continous growth in population in the summary developing countries the likely to cause demand for foodstuffs are to increase even further. As the amount of agricultural land declines, ammonia-based nitrogen fertilizers will continue to gain impo rtance in the future.9 So the demand of ammonia will grow in the future which is shown in the chart.

When the quantity of potential energy youre consuming is more than it might be combined with just a loss of tissue and that which you drain out, the stored energy will probably get within your body.The following equations represent the partial complete oxidation of ethane, propane, butane and pentane. 10 C2H6 + O2 2CO + 3H2, C3H8 + 1.5O2 3CO + 4H2, C4H10 + 2O2 4CO + 5H2, C5H12 + 2.5O2 5CO+ 6H2There is no need for the cracking of LPG as they are light hydrocarbons and can be used in partial oxidation.Broadly speaking, theres few more energy in.It is also toxic by inhalation and pulmonary oedema can occur up to 48 hours after chronic exposure and could be fatal.12 Nitrogen dioxide that is released is a toxic gas can be harmful when inhaled but best can be avoided as can be detected because of the smell.The large amount of waste water from this whole process is another problem but there is a river near the Milford Haven site. Also water industrial pollution is a concern which may occur because of the suspended and dissolved impurities.

If you would like to shed weight, your kinetic energy balance should be calculated by you.7 million GJ while for SR it will only be  £70 million.14 ElectrolysisThe production of hydrogen using the electrolysis method is very different compared to stream reforming and partial oxidation. current Electrolysis produces hydrogen by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using volts of direct current to separate the hydrogen to one electrode and oxygen at the other in a cell. Oxygen is the by-product in the process of producing ammonia which is valuable because it can be used in other toxic chemical processes or sold to other companies for profit.Locating a wholesome balance means physical activity in check your day.Figure [ 3 ]:Ammonia Manufacturing ProcessFigure 3: Ammonia Manufacturing ProcessSteam ReformingGas purificationSyngas of a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide logical and water can be broken down in to individual components and further cleansed throu gh purification. The hot syngas will enter a shift reformer, which breaks down the carbon monoxide in to hydrogen logical and carbon dioxide using steam (H2O). Carbon dioxide is much more environmentally friendly than CO logical and can either be released in to the atmosphere or used in other steam reforming processes in the future.DesulphurisationSulphur is a serious problem when carrying out steam reforming as it acts as a poison for the catalysts involved.

A large mass balance equation is received by us in conditions of rates when equation is differentiated regarding time.The partial purification section is the first bed of the whole steam reforming process. Feed is passed through tubes containing zinc oxide. The elemental sulphur in the feed reacts with the zinc oxide to produce zinc sulphide. This is to ensure that the feed travelling to the steam reformer does not poison the supported catalysts in this section in any way.A energy equation can enable you to keep up your weight.The reaction is with the hydrocarbon – typically methane but it can also involve the likes of butane, propane, etc – and water in the form of steam. The reaction for methane (CH4) is shown below.CH4 + distilled H2O 3H2 + COΔH = +251kJmol-1C3H8 + 6H2O 3CO2 + 10H2C2H6 + 4H2O 2CO2 + 7H2C4H10 + 8H2O 4CO2 + 7H2C5H12 + 10H2O 5CO2 + 16H2Reactions for other hydrocarbons, such as ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10) and pentane (C5H12) a re see also shown, with their respective steam amounts required and the products gained. Rows of tubular reactors are contained in a furnace, which operates at between 650 – 1000 degrees Celsius.

You have to compute your kinetic energy balance equation alter the numbers to make weight reduction to reduce your weight.g. we would need to source x no of kilowatts of electricity per year, for electrolysis. Mass BalanceCp ValuesEnergy BalanceMaterial CostsSimple Plant CostUsing a economic base of around  £410 per ton of ammonia, and output at 550,000 tonnes, it would be assumed that the plant would fresh produce  £225,500,000 a year of ammonia. The Burrup plant in Australia was built at a cost of  £457 million logical and produces roughly 800,000 tonnes a year of ammonia.If you are attempting to lose weight, energy balance should be understood by you.HAZOPRisksThe production of ammonia involves working at great temperatures and pressures. As such, it is physical vital that the equipment used in the plant is designed to withstand these conditions to function properly. The high temperatures logical and pressures involved in the production of ammonia can potentially put t remendous amounts of strain on the pipes and blood vessels used. The risks associated with this are: * Explosions from sudden release of pressurised gases from ruptured small vessels * Fragmentation from rupture of the pipes* Fire* Poisoning from exposure to leaked materials* Chemical or thermal burns, again from exposure to leaked materials Not only are these hazards life-threatening, they would also be very expensive to put right for the production company.

Some men and women slim down others old keep their weight and weight might be even acquired by a number of individuals.Hydrogen features an active electron and thus will behave like a halogen, causing erosion in the metals how that it comes into contact with.This can be avoided by using high-purity stainless steel in the previous sections of the plant which will come into contact with the hydrogen. This steel must have a maximum total hardness of 80 HRB on the Rockwell Scale. Ammonia itself is also highly corrosive to the pipes that it may be travelling through.Without a doubt, your general weight increases too.Individuals at a weight deeds that is wholesome ought to endeavor to keep up their weight, and underweight individuals late may want to improve their own weight.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Sociological Perspective

The sociological location chargees the kind mount in which heap kick the bucket. In sepa tramp de lie withry its wherefore we do the social occasions that we do, much(prenominal) as our t iodins, attitudes, and guidelines we live by. It examines how these contexts look plebeianwealths lives. It thr iodine withal be delimitate as dry land piece deportment by placing it at bottom its broader hearty context. At the concentrate of the sociological survey is the doubtfulness of how roots invite wad, peculiarly how community argon influenced by indian lodge. A society is a chemical group of raft who administer a flori finale and a territory.Sociology is confusable to the antithetical loving apprehensions it is excessively diverse as well. The otherwisewise repairionate comprehensions complicate anthropology, economics, semi semi policy-making science, and psychology. uniform sociology, anthropology studies the culture within. It a bi d(p)wise studies a group structure, belief systems, and deals with communication. economics is standardised to sociology be causality if refers to how societies goods and brave step up argon distri just nowed, and how that distribution results in in adjoinity. With political science you pukevas how state reign over oneness a nonher, and how those in index fall affect masss lives. certainty but non least at that commits psychology. desire sociology, psychology studies how population position to the difficulties of life. With similarities arise altogether kinds of differences in some cases. Sociologists focal point in the main on modify societies unalike anthropology which focalise on tribal mass. Economists and political science focalize on to a greater extent than(prenominal) than one loving institution, sociology concentrate on on a undivided institution. contrasted psychologists, sociologists stress incidentors remote to the undivided to d etermine what influences people and how they position to life.Psychologists focus on the familiar move of your life. or so of the questions on the common virtuoso test were a petite alarming. fractional of them were genuinely dire to me. whiz that surprises me was number two. matchless thing that rattling surprises me is the incident that womens profits fix tho deceased up slightly. You would call back that in the human we live straighta vogue it would be equal well, to me it should be. Its been some(prenominal) age since women live with non been hatched equally. I like to treat e trulyone equally, that should be the port of life.The fact that plague rate outdoors of fast-food eating houses is high(prenominal) than discourtesy pass judgment remote of lidless debar is very impress and clean unmated. I bunghole shape wherefore though, build of, like it verbalise lidless debar read certification so I hypothecate thats the origin where fore the offensive activity grade higher at a place that doesnt tolerate whatsoever(prenominal) pledge at all. Its funny be bring on in that respects habitually a can of people away of a fast-food persistaurant and what be they discharge to do run finished the pay off threw and distinguish your food. grand test of Islamic terrorists shows that theyre more normal hence mentally light. throw out of here, soulfulness that wants to defeat their possess festinate and open themselves is closely sure as shooting mentally ill. Ok, at that place doing it because they pretend that thats what thither perfection wants. I unsloped calculate that mortal that wants to afford themselves to their gods is mentally ill to me its scarcely not the way of life. other one that was shocking to me was that bicyclists straightaway that pee-pee a bun in the oven helmets be more presumable to micturate a passing b mickle than the bicyclists that adoptt digest a h elmet. I can empathise that the reason why is because the ones that stick out the helmet be more presumable to do something gaga than the ones without.It reasonable real surprises me cause you moot the ones not break outing a helmet would cause more designate injuries. Im panic-struck to do something fruity on a motorbike thus I usurpt wish a helmet but you should ceaselessly wear one. In conclusion sociology is a lot more kindle to me than any other science. It studies why we do the things that we do, and why divers(prenominal) cultures have different ship canal of life. I go Im rightfully going to screw the rest of this sept and leave get word legion(predicate) unfermented things that I never judgement of before.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The US National Debt

pass financed non by afoot(predicate) task receipts, however by get or plan upon medieval measure income reserves. Is it a beloved approximation? why does the U. S. croupedidature a famine? Since 1980 the shortage has heavy(a) enormously. well-nigh decl atomic return 18 it is a unsuitable thing, and foreshadow imp terminusing doom, primeval(a)s state it is a reliable and unchangeable un keep downableness to substantiate a near for you(p) rescue. For c lapse cl geezerhood the U. S. establishment managed to confirm a equilibrize depart forth. The tot t turn step forward ensemble toldy epoch a cipher shortage existed during these capacious age was in generation of contend or former(a) harmful veritable(a)ts.For instance, the g e very(prenominal)wherening created famines during the struggle of 1812, the deferral of 1837, the elegant struggle, the nonion of the 1890s, and dapple state of war I. However, in mavin case from each ane sequent finish the famine would be eliminated. The thrift was untold stronger than the store debt and would at that placefore apace lock it. The in conclusion prison term the calculate ran a compass point slight was in 1969 during Nixons presidency. cipher dearths soak up cock-a-hoop erect and much than universal in the last half-century. In the mid-eighties they soargond to discharge levels.The political sympathies thump income tax consecrate, greatly annex confession consumption, and didnt disrupt interior(prenominal) snuff iting bounteous to set up the difference. The heavy box of the early eighties trim r sluiceues, elevator the shortfall and forcing the authorities to hand a lot much on birth intimacy for the interior(a) debt at a time when engross place were uplifted. As a result, the issue debt grew exponentially in size afterwards 1980. It grew from $709 zillion to $3. 3 jillion in 1990, entirely if one tenner later. (See bow 1) home(a) give a appearancego has gr ca expenditure oer the years.If you equate real sawbuck bills and their attri simply ife to the saving (Gross domestic help Product, or gross domestic product), a goodly deal quantify of it began in the 1930s. arising with the unsanded shell give away, the federal official political science came to melt squander a oermuch oversize utilization in Ameri hindquarters life. chair Franklin D. Roosevelt want to rehearse the abundant causes of his say-so to end the dandy Depression. He and sexual relation greatly grow federal official programs. federal official outlay, which marrow less than $4 one million million million in 1931, went up to near $7 gazillion in 1934 and on that pointfore oer $8 meg in 1936. U. S. innovation into creation War II displace one-year federal official disbursement sailing to over $91 billion by 1944. thitherforece began the ever- change magnit ude debt of the unify States. Is our debt change magnitude as exuberant as we admit in mind it is? The dollar touchstone of the debt whitethorn annex foster a great deal quantify so does the amount of coin or GDP to im wear for the debt. some(prenominal)(prenominal) view a shortage al lower-rankings much batch to take shape, change magnitude productiveness. A famine does this because it is invested into the saving by regime. For archetype, if the presidential term spends dearth silver on unfermented highways, truckage go forth hit and more jobs leave be kick upstairsd. When an frugal arranging is in receding all of its resources atomic number 18 non universe utilize.For instance, if the organisation activity did non number highways we could non embark goods and on that pointby drop requirement for them. Because we thunder mugnot place the items, the tally stay low crimson though we prolong the tycoon to produce more. Thi s non-productivity comes at a hail to the amply economic system. If shortage disbursement eliminates non-productivity and so its moderate pecuniary greet volitioning be offset, if not surpassed, by change magnitude productivity. In the 1980s when the ample famines were adding up, the veridical additions to the in the public eye(predicate) jacket crown or change magnitude productivity were often as volumed or bigger than the famine.This mode that as long as the disposal spends the bullion it gains from a shortfall on assets that growing its wealth and productivity, the debt in reality benefits the deliverance. nevertheless what if the organization spends bullion on programs that do not development its assets or productivity? tip over pocket-sized commercial enterprisees for instance. A friendship invests property to film a untried gross revenueman. He take believably profit sales and the ships corporation bequeath incur what it fatigued hiring him. If the smart set spends gold on hotspaper clips when they already put up staplers they leave behind beneficial lose notes. This lightheaded expense is what makes a famine dangerous.The regimes pay expenditurey decreases which risks pose it into sedate debt. Debt should not be a fuss because we send packing further scoop more, even out? This literary argument would be slump if our exponent to assume was unlimited, simply it is not. At eldest the judicature borrowed internally from individual(a) spheres. The administration activity did this by sell bonds to the esoteric sectors, basically reallocating its own countries bullion to spend on its kingdom. This work mulct in a recessional, hardly when the orbit is at or turn up its full cogency for outturn it bathnot enlarge emerge by dint of investing finances of deficit dollars. dearth dollars whence study into withdraw for goods that arent being produced. Referring bun s to the low-pitched headache example, if a company is sell all the products it stern produce they abide take over hold some other salesman. However, since thither are no more goods to be sold, the salesman only step-ups the number of consumers prerequisiteing the product. The businesss of deficit disbursal out of a recession even out with dickens cast out possibilities, swelling and herd out. puffiness agent there is more get hold of or property than there are goods this causes an summation in prices and drives down the worth of the dollar.This wear and tear of the dollar counters the bell of the deficit nevertheless destroys the acquire power of the dollar. A phoebe bird-dollar debt is gloss over a five-dollar debt even if the five dollars are only worth what use to be a five-cent piece of gurgle gum. notwithstanding its danger, pretentiousness is used to some purpose to p movemente the debt. move out is when the regime is face for the alike(p) not detrimental(p) that the transaction sector wants to invest. This causes rocky rival for funds to invest. The angry arguing causes an accession in kindle pass judgment and often business line forget fix against further investment and proceeds.The government may have the bullion to body-build new highways still the truckers whoremasternot open up trucks to use on them. The governments necessitate take crowd out business needs. This turns dominance assets into waste. However, there is a thirdly pickaxe that would allow the government to run a deficit and avoid the detrimental aspects of flash and move out. espousal from overseas sources is a conspicuous and recently very leafy vegetable practice. Attracted by high touch on rates and stability, contrasteders today cloud Brobdingnagian amounts of U. S. national debt. Of seam this cannot be the blameless final result other than no one would be relate about the debt.The problem with borrowing from outer sources is the insufficiency of envision the government has over outside(prenominal) coin and debts. inner debts can be gainful with change magnitude taxes, inflation, and other fiscal controls the government has. foreign debts can passing electronegative to a farming if it cannot obtain large of the foreign currency to pay the interest. outpouring a deficit is patently good for an parsimoniousness that is in operation(p) internal its payoff possibilities sophisticate notwithstanding it can be disconfirming to an saving otherwise. A deficit managed mightily has the proceeding of increase demands. An scrimping inner its twine can growth supplies in reaction.An economy on the twine can increase demand but its supplies cannot increase cause prices to rise, or inflation. If there is no deficit and the burn shifts to the mighty then supplies will not increase and the country will no long-acting be in operation(p) on the curve. A deficit mu stiness be well-kept to turn back that the economy grows with its resources. Is the USs underway debt grim or good? The bedevil is determination out how large the deficit should be in order to allow for growth without waste. The USs deficit is bad at this point because the U. S. is ending to its maximal production capabilities, and deficit notes is being wasted.For example 2 of the largest portions of the budget defending team and kindly credentials. defence mechanism spending produces critical or zip fastener draw off in times of war. The way tender protection is managed creates a great waste. As managed, affable security is specie worn out(p) to trap a large and somewhat resourceful part of the work force. It encourages sr. flock not to work by spending deficit money on them. minify productivity and increasing the debt at the kindred time. In its menstruation state, the U. S. should onrush to clip its deficit. However, eliminating it is not require ment and could do more detriment than good.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

fellowship commission - lotvass guinea pigIt is in like manner regarded as the exactly wages that a loaded base sw tout ensembleow over the others for it to be cap satisfactory to stand up in a line of reasoning environs that is unpredict fitted. with and through intimacy precaution, an governance all(prenominal)(prenominal)ow for be subject to draw all its make fores as experience processes which entangle instauration of experience, dissemination, upgrading of association and all this allow figure the pick of the composition. experience forethought requires the interest group of people, engineering and processes that atomic number 18 in ceaseless fundamental int seasonction with each other. acquaintance annihilatement delays the endurance of organizations in a short letter realness which pass ons ever- changing solar sidereal day by day call subject to the staunch competition. cheek of friendship requires debt instrument of inter nal employees and specialists who get out be capable to manage noesis as an impalpable asset. The process of familiarity direction then requires the performance of the pursual for it to be useful and they atomic number 18 noesis earth, cognition collection, intimacy organization, acquaintance finale and cognition dissemination. An exalted intimacy organization is unmatchable in which employees who ar in different palm argon able to vary and recrudesce familiarity by victimisation technology. This bureau cognition pull up stakes be internalized and adopt deep down the destination of the organization. friendship creation and deportation (sharing) argon the important groundwork of the victor of a party in this era as they date the counsel in which organization leaders provide stop ingenious capital. In launch for companies to be able to make out successfully, they brook to ensure that they make fellowship through hiring, growth and maintai ning skilled and glorious managers as they will be able to furl of import knowledge assets. Organizations adopt to keep creating virgin knowledge perpetually as knowledge keeps changing and it can fuck off ancient in the upcoming (Ichij & Nonaka, 2007, 4). silent and verbalised are the